Fascias & Soffits from Nottingham 01157080172 / +441157080172

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Fascias & Soffits more...
Ratings: 7
Search requests: 6646
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (12/2/22, 2:53 PM)

Mansfield lady wrote: All weather Roofline. Says he gave me a quote a year ago for new windows,can he come round tomorro... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Nottingham - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0115-7080172
Phone number +441157080172 from Nottingham tagged as Harassment calls 4 times.

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tellows score for +441157080172

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
4 reports
3 reports
Caller Name:
Fascias & Soffits
3 reports
all weather roofline
2 reports
1 reports
1 reports
Phone number +441157080172 from Nottingham tagged as Harassment calls 4 times: All weather Roofline.  Says he gave me a... 6646 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01157080172?

  1. 0

    Investigator Mansfield lady reported number ‎01157080172 as all weather roofline

    12/2/22, 2:53 PM

    All weather Roofline.
    Says he gave me a quote a year ago for new windows,can he come round tomorrow to come offer me a 25% off quote that will last a year? Sorry I'm helping family tomorrow and I work mon-friday for the NHS so I'm busy a lot of the time and we aren't ready for new windows yet as too much else to do.
    Asks my name. Says he is John, Says can he come over Monday evening at 6pm to offer the quote....I say no. Because my hubby will go mad. I said let me tell him over the weekend and if he says he doesn't want them doing yet I will ring them and let them know. I said if you just come Monday he will say you are being forceful and you will get no custom. Now 'John' says he will ring me Monday instead. I can barely contain myself with excitement.! Who can afford to get their windows done at the moment!! They must be desperate for sales. He was very pushy on the phone. Tyring to invite himself over to our house.

  2. 0

    The number ‎01157080172 has been assigned to all weather roofline

    11/13/22, 1:26 PM

    Had work done by this company, windows, door and conservatory.
    I have nothing else needed and I have told them many times.
    I have got the number on block, yet I see they still call.
    Some poor sod has got a sales job of going down the list to try get a sale.

  3. 0

    mr foston reported Fascias & Soffits with the number ‎01157080172 as Harassment calls

    3/24/22, 2:15 PM

    keep calling me to try to flog me dodgy products. Now reported to TPS . Blocking this number makes no difference as they then ring you with number withheld.

  4. 0

    Roj reported Fascias & Soffits with the number ‎+441157080172 as Harassment calls

    7/29/21, 4:53 PM

    Have I had the work done yet? What work? Was it doors or windows? Was it fascias and Soffits? Did you get it done yet? What? Don't know about this. Banged the phone down.

  5. 0

    Skegness Georgie reported number ‎+441157080172 as Roger

    5/21/19, 8:08 PM

    I used ring back - not a good idea on reflection. The male voice asked my name and so I asked his. He said "Roger". I felt this was a bit inadequate and so asked again at which point he got stroppy: "I've told you". I hung up.

  6. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎+441157080172 as Harassment calls

    2/7/19, 2:51 PM

    Repeatedly calling to sell doors & windows I don't need!

  7. Fascias & Soffits has been reported with number ‎01157080172 as Harassment calls

    10/27/22, 1:48 PM

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Most searched telephone numbers in 0115 (Nottingham)
Possible ways of writing the number 01157080172
‎(0115) 708 0172
‎+44 1157080172
‎(0044115) 7080172
‎(+44) 115 708 0172