Facts International 01233648537 / +441233648537

Types of call: Survey
Caller Name: Facts International more...
Ratings: 170 (deleted: 5)
Search requests: 195759
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (5/4/20, 2:54 PM)

wrote: Had a call from this number claiming to be from Amazon and they were charging £99.99 for Prime. They... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Ashford (Kent) - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01233-648537
Phone number +441233648537 from Ashford (Kent) tagged as Survey 51 times.

Further Information: Find out
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Views last month: 3
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 01172054799 07368361263 02081949508 02078716865 01618502059
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +441233648537

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
51 reports
44 reports
Harassment calls
19 reports
5 reports
Trustworthy number
3 reports
Aggressive advertising (2)
Caller Name:
75 reports
Facts International
10 reports
3 reports
2 reports
ban this number
2 reports
Natwest (2) don\'t know (1) South west water (1) FACTs (1) FACTs International (1)
on behalf of Natwest (1) "Tesco" (1) Teresa (1) Aviva (1) fax something (1) ComRes (1) Nunwood (1) N/K (1) ?? (1) 01233 648537 (1) Home (1) scam, apparently Natwest (1) Elizabeth (1) Facts International/NatWest (1) Claiming to be Natwest (1) on behalf of tesco mobile (1) Bullshit (1) Calling on behalf of Kent Messanger (1) Government Department for Small Business (1) Facts (1) Watermelon Research (1) Watermelon Marketing (1) ? (1) Not given (1) not given (1) facts international (1)
Phone number +441233648537 from Ashford (Kent) tagged as Survey 51 times: Ok then, you receive a phone call, they ... 195759 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01233648537?

  1. 67

    Kev reported Facts International with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    2/22/14, 4:54 PM

    Ok then, you receive a phone call, they know your name and they want you to engage in a survey. This is nothing more than profile building and the likelihood is that this information will be sold on. Let’s turn the tables and even out the playing field a bit. Here’s a profile on the company associated with the nuisance phone number.

    Facts International Ltd is an independent market research agency based in Ashford, Kent. Facts International is part of the Insight and Engagement Division of Chime Communications plc. (Chime is a backing company to entrepreneurs wishing to start their own pioneering business in marketing communications.) History: Facts International sold by Barbara Lee to Chime Communications and private investor Nick Lamb in Feb 2007. Nick Lamb sold his stake in the business to the firm’s parent company Chime Communications for £1.7m in 2011; he currently holds the position of Chairman. The next time you’re pulling your hair out when you receive yet another unsolicited phone call, just remember good old Nick still has a good mop of hair.

    Company Name: Facts International
    Ashford Office
    Facts Centre
    3 Henwood
    Ashford TN24 8FL
    Tele : +44 (0) 1233 648 530

    http://www.facts.uk.com/ IP Address

    Technical Info: 88% probability running Microsoft Windows Vista|2008|7. Service Info: Host: DEDICAT-PH6PR1D.home; OS: Windows. Several Ports Open. OS: Windows Web Server 2008 R2 7601 Service Pack 1 (Windows Web Server 2008 R2 6.1)

    They host their web site through http://www.webfusion.co.uk, Derby Uk ISP Webfusion Internet Solutions.

    Chief Executive: Crispin Beale
    Information obtained via Company Check.
    The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where Crispin Beale holds a current appointment equals £1,811,294, with a combined assets value of £8,622,567 and liabilities of £9,105,508. Roles associated with Crispin Beale within the recorded businesses include: Director



    Project Director: Adam Wyles, Associate Director: Anna Mackenny, Senior Associate Director: Cara Rodwell, Human Resources Manager: Charlotte Homewood, Research Executive: Chris Sausman, Group Finance Director: Claire Spencer, Managing Director: Emily Kettle,
    Research Manager: Gemma Stephenson, Senior Insight Manager: Heather Norrington, Research Executive: Kerry Barringer, Telephone Operations Director: Kerry Ovenden, Research Executive: Lucy Foylan, Research Executive: Lynsey Thompson, Head of Scripting: Mark Clifton, Associate Director Client Services: Melanie Eberlein-Scott, Chairman: Nick Lamb, Associate Director: Rebecca Judges, Senior Insight Manager: Rowena Hallett,
    Research Director: Sarah Carter, Senior Associate Director: Sarah Champion, Project Director: Sharon Greenslade, Research Director: Sian Kerr, IT & Creative Director: Spencer Wood, Research Manager: Toby Cotton

    They have a 200 seat, in-house telephone research centre based in Kent, they adopt a 24/7 capability policy, often targeting hard to reach audiences.

    With regard to TPS, this is what Facts International reports on their web site: Legally, we are allowed to do this. There is no legal requirement to screen research samples against the preferences services (such as the Telephone Preference Service) when conducting market research. In simple terms the law allows them to contact you, so put up with it!

    They report that approximately 180,000 people are telephoned monthly to conduct telephone interviews.

    And there’s so much more if you dig around!

    Grumpy replied 7/15/14, 3:21 PM
    Very useful Kev, Thanks for your research!
    Truth_Seeker replied 8/11/14, 6:20 PM
    (Lord) Seb Coe is a director of the parent company of Facts - Chime Communications plc, which bought out his own company after the London Olympics. According to Private Eye, he will make around £10m before 2017 as a result of selling up to Chime
    Alfaman replied 2/17/15, 6:20 PM
    Thanks for the info - have just blocked this caller as do not want to answer their calls.
    gpjayne replied 3/28/15, 4:58 PM
    Great info..had a call today from them.
    Jay Jay replied 5/20/15, 1:18 PM
    I tried a few numbers to get them to take me off their list but always ended up with a recorded message.

    The number supplied above (01233 648 530) worked for me. I'm now off their list. Many thanks Kev
    Ian replied 7/10/15, 10:07 AM
    I received a t/call from this number , however as I did not recognise the number ( I do not live in the UK but off Island ). I normally let the answer machine take the message.
    But the other person did not leave a message or contact number. What a shame!!!
    not generally a complainer replied 12/12/16, 1:51 PM
    I have had 12 calls in the last month, often on the same day within 2 minutes. If they were standing outside ringing my doorbell, this would be called harassment. At what point does it becomes harassment if approached via the telephone?
    I have all the call logs - any lawyers here?
    ex worker replied 1/18/17, 1:39 PM
    ^ that would be because you are not answering the phone - it will auto call you back unless you actually pick up the phone.

    If you say you are not interested in helping any companies with customer satisfaction surveys they will black list your number.

  2. 12

    Siwal reported scam, apparently Natwest with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    7/11/12, 10:26 AM

    The guy introduced himself with Alex and asked for me by name. He said he was calling on behalf of my bank and he was doing a costumer survey. When I asked him what bank it was, he wouldn`t answer and tried to avoid the answer over and over again by switching to the next question. I said I was not telling anything to cold callers on the phone, he hung up.

    derp replied 10/21/14, 9:56 AM
    He didn't answer because of data protection. Workers can't say the name of the bank unless you confirm who you are, you could be anybody.
    Ray replied 12/16/14, 12:55 PM

    Data protection!?? They phone you and they havent a clue who you are !
    Softmick99 replied 4/9/15, 8:56 PM
    Derp sounds like a true derp!
    BlueHaze replied 4/27/15, 7:44 PM
    Derp is totally correct. I have previously worked for the company, conducting satisfaction surveys on behalf of high street banks.

    All the banks provide to Facts is one name name and a telephone number. They are not allowed to mention the name of the bank until they confirm who they are speaking to. Other people in the household might not be aware of the fact this person has an account with this bank, or are trying to keep it secret through divorce proceeding, (this was the example the bank used when explaining this to us, a soon to be divorced wife finding out about a bank account the husband was squirreling money away in.)

    Of course, it's up to you whether you want to give up your free time to speak to them. They call people from 9am to 9pm, which is pretty unsociable. To be honest, it's the only place in the town that'll employ people straight out of school.

    I sound like bit of an apologist here, and that's not my intent. Its not the most dignified way to earn a living, but its the first rung on the ladder for many kids in the community.
    Lee replied 10/19/17, 9:34 AM
    That is crazy. If they cannot confirm details of the call or get your own details right, why on earth would you give them any information whatsoever?
    BrianCS replied 2/23/18, 12:44 AM
    Derp sounds like a twerp.

  3. 10

    On my lunch break reported number ‎+441233648537 as unknown

    8/19/14, 1:06 PM

    Just got back from lunch and noticed a missed call on my desk phone. Checked the number on google and this is what it is. Now I want them to call me back. Why? Because I work for Ofcom

    hkfghsdgh replied 8/17/18, 10:49 AM

  4. 2

    dave reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    7/8/14, 8:13 PM

    I have spoken with this company several times regarding the service of my bank Natwest. They do not ask for any personal or sensitive information, they are only interested in your most recent interaction. Natwest would not use an untrustworthy company. Unfortunately, as with any company, you occassionally have muppetts working within the system giving everyone else a bad name. People have to work, you're better off directing abuse at the job shy.

    Beej replied 11/15/14, 12:15 AM
    I don't see a problem with directing my abuse at both! People may have to work, but we are all entitled to down time where we are not continually interupted by companies ringing us. My phone is for my use, and not so companies can phone me whenever they feel like it, when I have done everything I can to ensure I receive no unsolicited calls. End of.
    face palm replied 1/18/17, 1:42 PM
    ^ then just say you don't want to help improve the service you recieve and your number would be black listed.

  5. 2

    Red reported not given with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    3/31/14, 1:31 PM

    Received a call at 13:20 said asked for wife by her name to do with a survey on behalf of her bank ours is a joint account so said they could ask me they replied ok we will call back another time bloody t*****s wasting our time

  6. 1

    David H reported Not given with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    2/2/15, 11:15 AM

    Called my wife about her account with Nat West - she doesn't have an account with them and never has!

  7. 1

    Eric reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Harassment calls

    5/14/14, 11:51 AM

    Facts International say they never make sales calls, which may be correct, but if they pass details on to sales organisations, those organisations are able to circumvent the law on TPS by saying 'you responded to a survey and expressed an interest in..'. Following such a survey by Facts International, I receive numerous sales calls on my home number despite TPS. I am now receiving calls from this number on my mobile and will not be responding...

  8. 1

    yorkshire78 reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    2/14/14, 9:09 PM

    This guy called at 20.50pm tonight and said he was from Tesco mobile and asked me by name, and asked if I had contacted Tesco mobile to change my number or did I contact Tesco within the last week, very suspicious!

  9. 1

    Gem reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Harassment calls

    1/11/14, 1:19 PM

    This guy rang me at 11:49am today, claiming he was doing a survey. He asked to speak the youngest male in my household! How creepy...

  10. 1

    zero reported number ‎01233648537 as unknown

    10/24/13, 6:59 PM

    Called me 14th oct at 19.40 then 16th oct at 16.32 then 17th oct at 09.58 then 18 oct at 09.42 then 22nd oct at 18.38 and today at 18.40. I just answer it then leave the phone on the side. They soon get fed up and hang up. Will they ever get the message.

  11. 1

    Hairy Bear reported number ‎+441233648537 as ?

    5/16/13, 10:16 PM

    This number has rung my mother three times this week and just hangs up when she answers the phone which is very disturbing for her. These people need stopping, we have caller preference but it doesn't seem to make any difference. :(

  12. 0

    Watermelon Marketing has been reported with number ‎01233648537 as Telemarketer

    5/4/20, 2:54 PM

    Had a call from this number claiming to be from Amazon and they were charging £99.99 for Prime. They hung up quickly when pressed.

  13. 0

    Dingo reported Watermelon Research with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    4/17/19, 11:53 AM

    Th female caller claimed to be Watermelon Research conducting a survey on behalf of LLoyds Bank, asking customers about their use of The Internet, Social Media.. blah, blah snore!!

    I'm not a LLoyds customer... better luck next time!

  14. 0

    Facts International has been reported with number ‎01233648537 as Telemarketer

    8/17/18, 10:47 AM

    Allegedly calling on behalf of Natwest Bank - unfortunately for them, we're not putting a bean into Crispin Beale's (can't be a real name?!) bank accounts, thank you very much.
    Number blocked.

    joe blogs replied 11/9/18, 3:36 PM
    unfortunatly it is his proper name *used to work here*

  15. 0

    Toby reported number ‎01233648537 as Facts

    6/21/18, 12:59 PM

    Unsolicited calls from Facts (01233 648537).
    Read one of the comments below and phones 01233 648530 - the call was answered immediately - I asked to be removed from any and all of their lists (I am with TPS!!!). They took my number and told me it would be immediately deleted - Don't knwo if it will work - but great research and advice people. Thanks

  16. 0

    NOT HAPPY reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    11/15/17, 3:39 PM

    Called and said he is British Chambers of commerce doing Survey on business banking service - COLD CALLING WAS ILLEGAL as if we were going give information over phone - Time Waster

  17. 0

    Lee reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    10/19/17, 9:43 AM

    I have to say, if I picked up a call and they said they were calling on behalf of my bank but couldn't confirm which bank, I would immediately think scam or fake call and I'd put the phone down.

  18. 0

    DaveBrown reported Government Department for Small Business with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    10/11/17, 11:07 AM

    Asked a range of questions about the bank I used for my small business and how I felt their service lived up to standards. Since there was no questions about personal details and it gave me an opportunity to rant about my bank I was happy to oblige. I refused a question about the size of my annual turnover. Seemed reasonable until I read the comments on here - the callers do seem to be mis-representing themselves as different things to different people. Obviously just market research which I normally refuse anyway. Annoying.

  19. 0

    John Ex-Sapper reported Calling on behalf of Kent Messanger with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    5/16/17, 8:40 PM

    Male caller wanted to know my wife's view of the election on behalf of the Kent Messenger, as we are in the middle decorating she declined to response.We are on the TPS list?

  20. 0

    Wank stain company reported Bullshit with the number ‎+441233648537 as Harassment calls

    4/18/17, 7:13 PM

    Phoned me to get me to confirm my details...but i did agree to the survey said no to the first question and he said ok bye....i really wanted to know why he want me to confirm who i am when i know who i am....weird

  21. 0

    AssaultonPrecinct13 reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    1/26/17, 9:31 AM

    Apparently a market research company based in Ashford, Kent. When I have to give my phone number to a company (bank, etc) I don't expect it to be passed to ANYONE - even a company doing research for whoever I gave my number to. I especially hate being called at 1900 - 2100 hrs and the phone not ringing long enough for me to answer it, even if I wanted to. Especially annoying if I'm actually expecting someone to call and then the phone goes 'dead'. Don't need this harassment at my age.

  22. 0

    AnonyMouse reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Aggressive advertising

    1/18/17, 2:24 PM


  23. 0

    Max reported Facts International with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    10/12/16, 1:30 PM

    This has been a regular nuisance caller for some time. Thanks to some helpful comments above, which revealed that this company is employed by various high street banks to conduct customer surveys. I rang my bank and explained to them that I do NOT wish to have my private, TPS-registered, ex-directory number passed on for this purpose. My bank has promised to withdraw my number immediately. It appears that the banks assume, unless you tell them otherwise, that their customers have got nothing better to do than to tell someone else how crap their service and interest rates are at present.

  24. 0

    tckfb463 reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Telemarketer

    8/12/16, 11:12 PM

    Received a nuisance call from these knobs this evening and reported them to both TPS and The ICO.

  25. 0

    BarkingaMad reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Harassment calls

    7/15/16, 7:07 PM

    They call every single day. They are COWBOYS, simple as that. No legitimate business needs to hide behind excuses the way FARTS does

  26. 0

    Katmandolino reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Harassment calls

    4/16/16, 1:20 PM

    Thanks for all your comments. I have now blocked this number.

  27. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    12/14/15, 7:58 PM

    Facts international ltd. calling on behalf of the Royal bank of Scotland looking to engage in a 15-20 minute survey in relation to products and services of the bank. Called at 19.56 FFS

  28. 0

    Annoyed reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Harassment calls

    10/30/15, 6:23 PM

    Number of calls when answered no response getting into evenings now

  29. 0

    DJH reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    7/25/15, 1:03 PM

    Polite survey about UK/US/China trade relations and relative media preferences; no really intrusive personal questions. My only complaint was that initially told it would take a few minutes but it actually took more than 30 minutes of my time. Sounded professional and genuine to me.

    engineertony replied 6/7/16, 10:46 AM
    Have I got 30 mins of unpaid time to make millions for someone else

  30. 0

    P Bailey reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    6/16/15, 7:31 PM

    Ask for me by name said doing a survey for my bank

  31. 0

    Teen reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Trustworthy number

    6/14/15, 1:28 AM

    I used to work here. It literally is mostly students trying to make a bit of money. Absolutely nothing suspicious in the slightest I promise you. Some of you are very strange/lonely/bored

    elder replied 12/22/15, 6:43 PM
    the last thing any lonely person would want is a random little shit like you askign for a survey.
    blaackorchid replied 6/8/16, 10:12 PM
    some of us are SO fed up with nuisance calls. Not bored or lonely. Why should I be woken up at 11pm, for some stupid survey!
    okay then replied 1/18/17, 1:43 PM
    ^ they only call until 9pm.

    And "little shits" have bills to pay, if you honestly hate helping companies improve their service ask to have your number black listed.
    Killittle shitz replied 2/13/17, 2:19 PM
    Teen, Get a proper job and stop being an irritation. If, as you say the place is riddled with students it is a sad reflection that the cream of our crop cannot find anything more productive, useful or mind expanding that read a pre-prepared script. Every call I receive takes up the maximum of their time as I weave an inventive yet plausable mix of truths, half truths and lies. If more people would do this eventually these nuisances would go out of business.

  32. 0

    RoseElla reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    4/17/15, 8:43 PM

    Called 8.30pm on a Friday night, only had a chance to say hello before they launched into a speech. Didn't ask if a suitable time or provide an opportunity to speak or ask where they were calling from

  33. 0

    Aptis reported Facts International with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    4/15/15, 9:05 PM

    Market research so he says. Would not trust this con artist as far as I could throw the Arch Royal. He and his company fall into the category of criminals. another number going in the call blocker!

  34. 0

    Softmick99 reported 01233648537 with the number ‎01233648537 as Survey

    4/9/15, 9:00 PM

    Why call at 8.40pm to gather information? I don't care if they are legit or not, this is a scummy way to make living and they should just fold up. Like all parasites they are a complete nuisance!

    Luke replied 5/2/15, 10:13 AM
    The people calling are simply just paid to do it, it's not like they want to.
    And Facts Int. is an independent market research AGENCY meaning they are employed by other companies to call their customers to hear their feedback on their service.
    Blame your bank or whoever they was calling on behalf of.

  35. 0

    noname reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Harassment calls

    3/19/15, 8:38 PM

    called about 5 times during the day, ignored all of them until i picked up to find out its a survey.

    block this number!

  36. 0

    Methodist Plumber reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Telemarketer

    3/19/15, 8:29 PM

    Several missed calls and silent on couple I answered (If no one speaks immediately I hang up). I assumed it was a cold calling company and reading thread here I was spot on.

  37. 0

    MG Mac reported number ‎01233648537 as unknown

    3/11/15, 2:45 PM

    I have been called at least once a day for the last week. They either hang up before I get a chance to answer or there is just silence when I do answer.
    It's particularly annoying as they are diverted to my mobile phone from my office number .... I have the privilege of paying for the divert !

    I have just called their office number and asked to be removed from all future calls / campaigns or whatever. The woman I spoke to was very pleasant (as was I) but I did warn her that I would report any further calls.

  38. 0

    Investigator andre louw reported unknown with the number ‎01233648537 as Harassment calls

    3/11/15, 1:28 PM

    Been phoning me twice a day everyday for 2 months!!
    I dont even bother to answer!!

    Luke replied 5/2/15, 10:15 AM
    You can simply just say "not interested" or "take me off your lists" and they will have to put down 'respondent refusal' which removes you and will not be able to call again.

  39. 0

    Investigator Ian reported unknown with the number ‎+441233648537 as Survey

    1/24/15, 10:54 AM

    This number called twice in 24 hours asking to speak to a specific member of the household in connection with a survey from the bank. I refused to pass on the call as we have an ex-directory number and have registered with TPS. I fortunately have a phone that can block numbers so have now added this number to the list.

    Luke replied 5/2/15, 10:17 AM

    With regard to TPS, this is what Facts International reports on their web site: Legally, we are allowed to do this. There is no legal requirement to screen research samples against the preferences services (such as the Telephone Preference Service) when conducting market research. In simple terms the law allows them to contact you, so put up with it!

  40. 0

    Jay reported number ‎01233648537 as unknown

    1/17/15, 12:34 PM

    A ghost caller!

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Leaving a rating about this number creates a caller 'profile' in our database, allowing other users to inform themselves on the nature of the call before they pick up the phone. This is a step along the path to making unwanted calls a thing of the past. If there are numerous entries for a specific number, we will try to trace the caller and check their legitimacy. Please note our Terms of Use!

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01233 (Ashford (Kent))
Possible ways of writing the number 01233648537
‎(01233) 648 537
‎+44 1233648537
‎(00441233) 648537
‎(+44) 1233 648 537