• This number was often allocated to Aqua. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Aqua at the end of the page.

Aqua from Basildon 01268297664 / +441268297664

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: Aqua more...
Ratings: 68
Search requests: 42296
Assessment: neutral, slightly negative, check call critically
Latest comment (8/9/18, 4:53 AM)

Martin D wrote: Debt collection for Aqua, needed to pay my outstanding balance. ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Basildon - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01268-297664
Phone number +441268297664 from Basildon tagged as Debt collection company 22 times.

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Views last month: 1
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tellows score for +441268297664

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
22 reports
10 reports
Harassment calls
6 reports
Trustworthy number
4 reports
Caller Name:
23 reports
8 reports
4 reports
AQUA scumbags
1 reports
1 reports
From Aqua credit card (1) Aqua / Wescott?? (1) wescott (1) Mona Clark (1) Aqua debt collection (1)
Phone number +441268297664 from Basildon tagged as Debt collection company 22 times: Don't take the call... 42296 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01268297664?

  1. 3

    Goda reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    4/8/15, 12:40 PM

    Don't take the call

  2. 2

    iworkthere reported number ‎01268297664 as unknown

    9/7/15, 1:58 PM

    they work 8am til 9pm and are only ringing because you havent paid your bill. people dont mind spending money that aint theirs but when it comes to paying it back they ignore the phone

    ForTheUnderDog replied 10/20/15, 8:44 AM
    "People don't mind spending money that ain't theirs" and companies like Aqua don't mind lending money left, right and centre to people less fortunate than us who can pay our bills on time, and charge them extortionate interest rates.
    Good4YouNobHead replied 10/24/15, 8:14 AM
    They rang me at 8.09 this morning ... I don't even have an Aqua card ... can you please explain this for me smartarse?
    Dave replied 11/15/15, 4:31 PM
    They call our house over 3 times a day and today SUNDAY theyve already rung 3 times. rhey send me stuff through the mail wanting me to sign up for their credit card . NOT A CHANCE!!! Im at the end of my tether with these lot
    Unique replied 5/5/16, 11:50 AM
    That's because aqua are the scum of the earth

  3. 1

    Graham Allen reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Trustworthy number

    8/9/18, 4:48 AM

    Missed a payment on my Aqua credit card, they called to notify me of the missed payment. Didn’t know about this situation prior to the phone call.

    Bloke was very helpful in arranging for a payment to be made and bringin my account back into the green :)

  4. 1

    mikee reported unknown with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    3/19/15, 6:59 PM

    debt chasing scumbags

  5. 0

    Martin D reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Trustworthy number

    8/9/18, 4:53 AM

    Debt collection for Aqua, needed to pay my outstanding balance.

  6. 0

    Tammy reported unknown with the number ‎+441268297664 as Trustworthy number

    8/9/18, 4:52 AM

    Had to make a payment to resolve my over the limit Opus card.

    Calling from Opus, trustworthy company rightfully collecting unpaid payments.

  7. 0

    Investigator Philip reported unknown with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    7/8/18, 3:06 PM

    It’s aqua credit card! Tell them under FCA rules ask them to remove your number and only contact by post! They have to do this! If not you can send a cease and dissist letter! If they ignore this you can report them to the FCA ( financial conduct authority)

  8. 0

    Simon reported Aqua with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    6/27/16, 2:14 PM

    Credit card collection branch. Scum of the earth.

  9. 0

    Nick reported AQUA scumbags with the number ‎01268297664 as Harassment calls

    6/25/16, 6:06 PM

    there a bunch liars I endorsed and have gave them over £1250 which they have not debited to my account but cashed the money they say I owe them £250.55 I taking these scammers to court.. they call me many times a day and there gonna get done for Harassment under the communication and protection from harassment act .. there legal scammers ... yes don't deal with them ... they should be shutdown there no different from the money scam where they take your money and ask for more... My credit was only £250 by the way ... but I thought there was an error and have them more money and the women at AQUA said it will clear once you sent it in... Scamming Scum bags

  10. 0

    Unique reported Aqua with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    5/5/16, 11:59 AM

    They are calling me at least 20 times a day I've explained to these thick people I get payed every 4 weeks and they will get payed wen I get payed, but still they call, they do employ complete idiots

    Its me replied 5/9/16, 2:39 PM
    We arnt thick people perhaps if u gave aqua a ring and asked to change your payment date this situation would resolve its self.

  11. 0

    sid reported debt with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    4/10/16, 11:31 AM

    for the person who works there when did you have your heart removed you low life making a living out of the hard up you scum

    Its me replied 5/9/16, 2:41 PM
    I dont really see how we are scum doing our job. If people didnt take on credit they couldnt afford then there would be no collections agents. Its always someone elses fault isnt it.

  12. 0

    Alexx reported From Aqua credit card with the number ‎01268297664 as Harassment calls

    10/5/15, 10:49 PM

    I receive 2 to 3 calls a day from this number and they aren't stopping. This is ridiculous as I don't have a connection with Aqua.

  13. 0

    Mememe reported Aqua with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    9/25/15, 7:21 PM

    I haven't spoken to them but have had several messages left and dozens of missed calls. I have never had an aqua credit card and have never had any form of debt so I have no idea why they would be calling but it is getting annoying now

  14. 0

    Cameron Murray reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    9/12/15, 11:27 AM

    Seems to be Aqua credit card services keeps calling during the day on my mobile even though I owe them nothing and paid my bill months ago.dont see what their problem is just harresment really

  15. 0

    rps reported aqua with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    8/24/15, 2:13 PM

    They don't even listen to what you have to to say I have just come home from hospital after suffering my 8th heart attack and the woman replied so can you make a payment today so I hung up very rude

    Lucy replied 9/23/15, 8:46 PM
    My daughter was in hospital. And had to have emergency operation and they still wanted me to make a payment even when I explained. I was ONE DAY LATE.

  16. 0

    Kerry reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Harassment calls

    6/23/15, 8:37 PM

    This number keeps ringing me every day. I never answer but I'm getting really fed of this number calling all the time that I'm going to report it.

    Wendy replied 7/10/15, 2:02 PM
    I have blocked this number on my house phone and just recently deleted all of their calls off my phone...a whole 50 of them!!

  17. 0

    Nonajay reported Aqua with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    6/13/15, 10:50 AM

    I have an aqua card but currently owe no debt. They call my landline and mobile from an automated line at the same time (like they're trying to catch me unawares or something) catch me doing what? Not owing them anything? Block the number if you can!!!

  18. 0

    wilma belfast reported number ‎+441268297664 as unknown

    5/3/15, 10:45 AM

    this number has been calling me for about a week now. when I answer theres silence. ive just recently acquired an aqua credit card. haven't run up a debt with them.

  19. 0

    Donna reported number ‎+441268297664 as unknown

    4/10/15, 9:46 PM

    This number keeps foning me about 30 times a day on my land line and mobile ive had enough no ones there when I answer they never leave a message they wake my little one up cos they fone late at night ive stopped answering my house fone I just wsnt it all to stop its really getting me down

    intheindustry replied 5/3/15, 1:17 PM
    Donna - Legally they are entitled to call every 4 hours if they retrieve an answer machine and every 2 hours if their dialler returns a "did not answer" outcome. There is no maximum attempts per day however ICO are looking into this as an industry standard.

    When it comes to debt collection they can call at earlier or later parts of the days as they are trying to gain a contact for the company.

    If you are getting this volumes of calls and you have no connection to Aqua then I would report this to the ICO for investigation. Additionally answer one of the calls and request for a DNC "Do not contact". They legally have to adhere to this.

  20. 0

    br46 reported Aqua with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    3/26/15, 5:52 PM

    my payment is only £8 and only 2 days late! I understand they have a right to call but when it's 10pm it's not on! when I answer it's just silence.

    Olu replied 11/12/15, 1:33 PM
    Cmon they don't call at 10pm. They finish at 9pm so that's not possible
    andrew replied 11/13/15, 6:50 PM
    Olu, do you work for Aqua?
    gidget replied 11/30/15, 8:07 PM
    I have an aqua card - i owe them money which i am fully aware, already explained to them it will be a little late this time. But do they listen i am receiving at least 10 calls a day up to the latest 9.30pm they have even called me on a sunday afternoon. It has now come to a point where i am sick of seeing that number on my mobile that i am now ignoring it. It is basically harassment. When i phone them back i can never get through to anyone. I have accidentally blocked my account on the internet as i forgot my password, i have asked them to reset it hundreds of times, yet have they done it no, they don;t even send me my statements via the post anymore, they have only just started to send me reminders via my mobile i have been with them a few years now they are a pain in the neck

  21. 0

    jodie reported aqua with the number ‎+441268297664 as Harassment calls

    3/19/15, 2:12 PM

    They call at least 20 times a day and dont stop ringing unless i answer they ring me every 20 minutes to half and hour everyday from 7.30 in the morning till 10 at night its beoming a joke! !

    kdl replied 4/30/15, 8:23 PM
    By law they are only allowed to call you a maximum of 3 times a day. Anymore constitutes harrasement. Make a note of the day, date, and times of the calls. Whoever it is send them a cease and desist letter together with a "Removal of Implied Right of Access" letter for the property address and phone number (DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME) just put yourself down as "The Occupier". With the letters send a fee schedule of £5000 for each breach of your request.

  22. 0

    SJP (Derry) reported Aqua with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    3/18/15, 4:07 PM

    Unsolicited debt / insurance offers. Nobody in this abode is in debt / credit with this company.

  23. 0

    Matt reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    3/17/15, 7:33 PM

    All the negative comments, lol! I agree, they're a pain in the backside but this caller is Aqua Credit Card Collections - they won't call you unless you actually have a credit card with them & you pay your bills on time. My recent payment was overdue & they kept calling me - they're PERFECTLY within their rights if you owe them money! - it was annoying but I just called the number back & made a payment thru the automated system. Guess what? They stopped calling! Go figure

    sagat replied 3/23/15, 8:25 PM
    No need to be mean. Just like you I paid some money (online) and they are still calling me
    George replied 8/23/15, 1:18 PM
    Yep same don't have a card with them, they keep ringing
    kelly replied 11/13/15, 6:43 PM
    Matt, do you work for Aqua?

  24. 0

    Investigator ricky reported aqua with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    3/5/15, 6:18 PM

    This company keeps ringing me over someone elses debt. They will not listen when i tell them it is not my debt. Is there anything i can do legally about them?
    The number they use on me is 01268 535 580

    kelly replied 11/13/15, 6:41 PM
    report them to the Information Commissioners Office its what I am going to do. If everybody did it the ICO might pay attention and do something about this harassment.

  25. 0

    Greyee reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    2/15/15, 1:47 PM

    It's AQUA credit card debt collection.
    They phone me at least 5 - 10 times A DAY!!!

    mike replied 9/7/15, 1:49 PM
    if u answer and pay them they wont need to keep calling
    kelly replied 11/13/15, 6:42 PM
    Mike, do you work for Aqua?

  26. 0

    smurf reported aqua with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    2/9/15, 9:48 AM

    This company is getting ridiculous! I have around 7 calls a day! I have spoke to them and it's aqua debt collecting services. I already have an arrangement in place yet I am being constantly harassed! Had enough!

    sick of them replied 10/3/15, 8:22 AM
    You need to contact them in writing and advise them of this as all that's happened is someone has not ticked a box to stop the calls. I had to do this with a catalogue I missed a payment due to being unwell (despite always paying double the min payment) and they would not leave me alone even after I made an arrangement. They gave me all the charges back and additional compo because I answered every single call and told them the same thing 28 yes 28 times x

  27. 0

    MIKEP reported Aqua / Wescott?? with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    1/24/15, 9:47 AM

    I took a call from this number. Asked for my Missus. When I asked if I could help? The caller said no. So I asked for the company name. Then I put the phone down. When searching,the name of the company didn't exist.

    So now they are BLOCKED!!!!

  28. 0

    bev reported number ‎01268297664 as unknown

    1/19/15, 2:21 PM

    this number has been calling me every day for the last few weeks at lesat 2 or 3 times a day especially around 8-9pm which wakes my little boy up and it is becoming very annoying now i really do wish that they would stop calling

  29. 0

    Harry Ross reported number ‎01268297664 as unknown

    1/16/15, 6:48 PM

    These people call several times every day. Never leave a message and they should be prosecuted for causing a nuisance.

  30. 0

    smudger reported wescott with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    1/13/15, 8:08 PM

    there sharks and start ringing from 6 am until 10pm at night very persistent after informing them it was the wrong person
    hail the i phone and call blocking

    paul replied 9/7/15, 1:50 PM
    they work 8am til 9pm so your comment is rubbish i work there
    kelly replied 11/13/15, 6:45 PM
    Paul, you work for Aqua, have they told you to defend them? is this part of a misinformation campaign on the part of Aqua?

  31. 0

    Dollshouse reported number ‎+441268297664 as Mona Clark

    12/9/14, 11:19 AM

    Was mystified when I learned this was a debt collection company. I do not owe any organisation anything worth collecting. I have no credit card, no mortgage,no overdraft, no HP. I owe Next (clothes chain) about £35 , via a monthly account, which is to be paid off on 15th December. Over the past four or five weeks I have checked their calls by dialing 1471. Has been up to four a DAY!

    Sharpz replied 1/19/15, 6:11 PM
    Well answer it and tell them to stop then!

  32. 0

    cjas84 reported Aqua with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    12/4/14, 11:53 AM

    Very annoying and trustworthy, despite having a payment agreement, they continue to call me on average, around 8 times a day, from 6.30 in the morning to 10 at night.
    I have a call blocker app, but I can still tally how often they call me.

    cjas84 replied 12/4/14, 11:55 AM
    *Untrustworthy* lol
    intheindustry replied 5/3/15, 1:13 PM
    cjas84 - Legally they are entitled to call every 4 hours if they retrieve an answer machine and every 2 hours if their dialler returns a "did not answer" outcome.

    When it comes to debt collection they can call at earlier or later parts of the days as they are trying to gain a contact for the company.

    If there is a payment agreement and you are sticking to it then they legally have no right for calling and this can be reported to the ICO (formerly OFCOM)

  33. 0

    jimbo reported number ‎01268297664 as unknown

    11/23/14, 3:28 PM

    I ignore this company when they ring. They do it 7days a week and I live in Croatia! Aqua credit card debt collectors. Pain in the harris.

  34. 0

    Investigator bugsy2 reported number ‎+441268297664 as unknown

    11/16/14, 2:11 PM

    when i answer there is silence

  35. 0

    Bob reported Aqua with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    8/5/14, 8:35 PM

    Aqua credit card services
    Debt collection dept call all times of the day will try and get you to pay more even When you have come to an earlier agreement with them !

  36. 0

    shimrod reported unknown with the number ‎+441268297664 as Debt collection company

    7/25/14, 12:26 PM

    check out moneysavingexpert.com and read the blog "do not pay westcot credit service".

  37. 0

    keith reported number ‎01268297664 as unknown

    7/22/14, 10:47 AM

    calls all times of the day never rings long enough to answer.

  38. 0

    Amazon93 reported number ‎01268297664 as unknown

    7/16/14, 9:10 PM

    This number has been calling my home for the past week to ten days at all hours. They never leave a message and when I eventually picked up (I usually do not answer to numbers I don't recognize) there was silence. I have now contacted my phone company to report it as harassment and if it continues I will go to the police.

  39. 0

    Abi reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Debt collection company

    7/16/14, 1:25 PM

    This is Westcot Credit collection

  40. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎01268297664 as Harassment calls

    7/10/14, 10:53 PM

    This number keeps ringing me but never leave a message!!

    Tina replied 7/16/14, 12:58 PM
    This number has been calling me about 6 times a day for the past 2 weeks. Starts about 8 am until 8 pm....never leaves a message and I don't answer numbers I don't reconise

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Numbers with the same caller name
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Most searched telephone numbers in 01268 (Basildon)
Possible ways of writing the number 01268297664
‎(01268) 297 664
‎+44 1268297664
‎(00441268) 297664
‎(+44) 1268 297 664