Prank Call / Your Friends 01276421189 / +441276421189

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Prank Call / Your Friends more...
Ratings: 68 (deleted: 3)
Search requests: 30220
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (4/14/20, 10:40 PM)

wrote: Your friends can enter your phone number on an app with a seceltion of harrassment calls. it records... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Camberley - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01276-421189
Phone number +441276421189 from Camberley tagged as Harassment calls 42 times.

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tellows score for +441276421189

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
42 reports
10 reports
Ping Call
1 reports
Caller Name:
52 reports
Prank Call / Your Friends
1 reports
Phone number +441276421189 from Camberley tagged as Harassment calls 42 times: Extremely abusive, have no idea how he g... 30220 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01276421189?

  1. 4

    Investigator lissa reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    6/3/17, 8:55 PM

    Extremely abusive, have no idea how he got my number - Scottish Accent - Male - Told me I have been using his wifi, "to get a F**KING Job" Stop being a bandwidth thief and that he would call the police if I didn't stop. Apparently he looked up my IP address, got my number and search history. Don't answer. I still can't get over how abusive he was

    Jamie replied 6/27/17, 8:26 PM
    Somes up the calls last few days. Why am I getting this?
    Sophie replied 7/27/17, 10:49 PM
    He said the exact same things to me down the phone about 10 minutes ago!
    Ian replied 8/6/17, 9:22 PM
    I had this tonight form an man with an English/Asian accent. Conversation was the same, except that I was the one with the Scottish accent to become abusive (oops...) before hanging up. No details were exchanged, so I am at a loss as to the purpose of these calls. Price report has been filed.
    Jim Mclane replied 10/20/17, 5:52 PM
    I got a call from him I hung up then I got a call from my contact and HE Answed creepy af
    kelly gunn replied 6/24/19, 7:37 PM
    Just got the same thing not 10 mins ago. Asked me if I was a hacker. I have an anxiety disorder and didn't need this. Why haven't the police done anything?
    unkonw replied 6/29/19, 3:44 AM
    Angie Raynes replied 9/25/19, 8:46 PM
    My husband just had the exact phone call!
    Donna replied 10/1/19, 7:04 PM
    Idiot just called me,same call,told him where to go,he called again 2 minutes later from a different number (020....)
    Rocke replied 10/29/19, 7:15 PM
    Got the exact same rubbish- put phone down when I told him it was GCHQ!

  2. 0

    Prank Call / Your Friends has been reported with number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    4/14/20, 10:40 PM

    Your friends can enter your phone number on an app with a seceltion of harrassment calls. it records the call and sends it to them to listen to

  3. 0

    Tom reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    3/20/20, 9:30 PM

    Basically.... “Friends” or people you know who have your number use this website that records the phone call for a “ laugh”
    1. You been stealing WiFi
    2. Drink driving
    3 having affair

    It records the call while there listening and have a laugh. It’s a pre record call. So when they speak don’t say anything and it will continue with breaks in between as though you have replied.
    Best thing to do is not react or deny! Play along or laugh they will hang up

    Angel05 replied 4/2/20, 10:27 AM
    Oh... my... god. I got a call at like 2am! Really made me angry.

  4. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    2/23/20, 7:09 PM

    Call about bins and curtains. Caller was threatening and appeared crazy!

  5. 0

    Chizzy reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    2/23/20, 7:02 PM

    Accused me of hacking into his WiFi. Real weirdo. Blocked his number

  6. 0

    Allan reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    2/10/20, 5:57 PM

    I just had this it's a prank call app turned out to be a friend taking the piss saying I had hacked his wifi

  7. 0

    Dingle reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    11/27/19, 3:08 PM

    Called regarding signing for a package, hung up halfway through the sentence.

  8. 0

    Cait reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    11/17/19, 6:12 PM

    Male voice , possibly American accent, called me telling me he’s out side my house and I needed to take out the money for the 20 pizzas I had ordered. He said he got my food and I have to pay up

  9. 0

    Boo myles reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    9/3/19, 6:35 PM

    These calls are coming from prankdial uk. I went in their website and theres an option to block your number from further prank calls. For the people saying the guy was swearing he wasnt . Just saying it's bad enough without saying things were said which wernt you can listen to the pranks on their website before you send the prank. Whoever did this to me and others can listen to the reaction when they call you.

  10. 0

    Ben reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    8/11/19, 3:59 AM

    Called accusing of stealing WiFi, abusive call. Called two different mobiles in our house though, which is a bit worrying.

  11. 0

    Investigator Nick Wright reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    7/22/19, 4:11 PM

    Very abusive scottish man claiming I was a hacker and using his wifi. Would get police involved.Beware!

  12. 0

    Phoebe Colhoun reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    6/9/19, 1:58 AM

    The number kept ringing my constantly at 2am and I refused to pick up til the last call, when a woman sounding no older than 30 screaming hello down the phone at me.

  13. 0

    JB reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    4/16/19, 9:20 AM

    Auto phone call spouting bollocks

  14. 0

    Shelley reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    2/3/19, 11:32 AM

    2nd Feb 2019. Aggressive Scottish man, claiming I've been using his WiFi and that he'd found my ip number and my search history. Told him not to phone me again and hung up.

  15. 0

    Sian reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Ping Call

    1/4/19, 6:06 PM

    It’s a prank thing someone puts your number in and they call you to prank my daughter stupidly found this and did it to her friend!!

  16. 0

    Alex reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    11/20/18, 8:16 PM

    A Scottish man called saying that I was using his WiFi, that he had traced it to my IP. He was very angry. He said I had stolen his password. I told him to stop being abusive, that I wasn’t using his WiFi, and asked how he got my number. He kept shouting, so I told him to go away and hung up.

    Polly replied 1/21/19, 1:35 PM
    Exactly the same..very abusive and loud. Thing is I’m a virgin to computers and always need help

  17. 0

    DR reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    11/19/18, 5:46 PM

    Spotted driving on my phone and was going to send me a fine and points on my licence. I asked a question and that was when I realized it was a auto response as started talking about some other rubbish. Block Number and dont worry about it, its spam

  18. 0

    Shaw reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/23/18, 6:04 PM

    Never answer numbers I don’t know but they left a voicemail and it sounded like a Asian male telling me he’s outside with a pizza and he needs paying. Sounded like an automatic service as he carried on a convocation with no reply.

  19. 0

    Jack reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/20/18, 3:43 PM

    Told me he was from security office and I had been spotted using my mobile phone whilst driving. He told me it carried an instate suspension of my licence. It doesn't. I put the phone down.

  20. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/7/18, 11:07 PM

    Aggressive Scott’s man claiming I was using his WiFi! Hanged up straight away. Mental health!

  21. 0

    muhammad reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    9/11/18, 11:41 AM

    last night 10-09-2018 one Scottish man ring me and shouted and swearing and threading police
    he said im using his wifi what a ?????
    i dont know where he got my number
    blocked his number

  22. 0

    Tracey reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    8/11/18, 10:29 PM

    An abusive Scott claiming I was stealing his WiFi....

  23. 0

    Ste reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    5/11/18, 4:48 PM

    Rang to say recorded line and i was caught by the new camera's using my phone whilst driving. Asked for his details, hung up, then got a follow up call from 01276 421209 - same guy same thing slightly different message.

  24. 0

    greg reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    5/3/18, 2:24 PM

    They are recorded prank messages. the recording says something and you then respond. i think the call is then recorded. its someone having laugh at your expense.

  25. 0

    Investigator Jessica Watkins reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    4/28/18, 10:32 PM

    Have no idea who the person was but sounded like he was putting on a voice. Definitely male but said he's been watching me and described features on me. He also said he'd call me again the following day and reveal his identity?

  26. 0

    kyle reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    4/3/18, 1:23 PM

    absolute joke!!
    telling me I'm steeling his wifi and he will call the police on me!

  27. 0

    ajj reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    2/20/18, 7:08 PM

    called saying stop using his wifi

  28. 0

    Poonam reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    2/17/18, 11:37 PM

    One lady called me and asked " who are you ? "
    I said , "you called me . What is your name ?"

    She : Why are you calling my boyfriend ?

    I blocked her number

  29. 0

    Zoe reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    1/21/18, 11:04 AM

    Phone just now aggressively saying using is wifi then are you still there. I hung up.

  30. 0

    kf1 reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    1/11/18, 5:55 PM

    This is an automated prank call

  31. 0

    Bubby reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    12/22/17, 4:00 PM

    Sounded Asian. Called me abusive telling me to stop using his Wi-fi. This is the 2nd time I’ve had this type of call and by what I believe is the same person. However the last time was an 0208 number. God knows how he’s got my number. Will be changing it that’s for sure.

  32. 0

    Sam reported number ‎01276421189 as unknown

    11/27/17, 10:17 PM

    called me at this time of night saying my 'kid' scratched his car! i'm 17 i don't have kids ahah

  33. 0

    Duty Druid reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    11/16/17, 12:05 AM

    Clear English accent. Told me that I had been spying on his wife and taking pictures of her and that he variuosly intended to fill me in and report me to the police. I have a feeling that it was an automated voice response system as I stopped speaking a couple of times and after a pause the voice came back witht he same phrase trying to find out if I was still there.

  34. 0

    Mooky reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/30/17, 4:58 PM

    I got a call saying I had to pay for Pizzas that I'd ordered and that he was pulling up outside my house now for payment. i hung up and a friend phoned me a minute or two later saying that she'd pranked me using some sort of automated system.

  35. 0

    Samantha reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/20/17, 3:28 PM

    Male, Scottish accent accusing us of using his wifi. Said he got our contact number from IP address and wanted to know how we knew his password. Threatened to contact the police. Weirdo obvs nothing better to do on a Friday afternoon....I put the phone down on him.

    Shelia replied 10/21/17, 8:59 AM
    I just got the same call I just told him to get lost and put the phone down immediately. Don't know what it was for

  36. 0

    PoePoe reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/19/17, 2:24 PM

    Some form of prank call ringing up ranting about dead sheep. It was hilarious. They threatened to to call the local constabulary about it, when I informed them that was exactly who they had phoned they hung up so there must have been someone listening!!

  37. 0

    PoePoe reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/19/17, 2:23 PM

    Some form of prank call ringing up ranting about dead sheep. It was hilarious. They threatened to to call the local constabulary about it, when I informed them that was exactly who they had phoned they hung up so there must have been someone listening!!

  38. 0

    scooby reported unknown with the number ‎01276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/17/17, 5:59 PM

    the caller claimed that i have been recieving and buying fake good, where I had to pay a fine of £400,i could do it now by bank card ,wouldn't do that wanted to know his name and company name as he was getting nothing, then ireceived verbal abuse then phone went dead

  39. 0

    Maria reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    10/8/17, 5:26 PM

    Rang saying that I owed £22 for an unused taxi cab with a made up company, very rude, shouting that he would press charges

  40. 0

    zephyr reported unknown with the number ‎+441276421189 as Harassment calls

    9/4/17, 1:42 PM

    Dangerous, prank caller. Same person as 07546026999.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01276 (Camberley)
Possible ways of writing the number 01276421189
‎(01276) 421 189
‎+44 1276421189
‎(00441276) 421189
‎(+44) 1276 421 189