Cathedral Hygiene Services 01554740570 / +441554740570

Types of call: Telemarketer
Caller Name: Cathedral Hygiene Services more...
Ratings: 12
Search requests: 8263
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (11/19/19, 1:43 PM)

lc wrote: Caller advised that they were a current supplier which is not true, went to check and called back to... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Llanelli - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01554-740570
Phone number +441554740570 from Llanelli tagged as Telemarketer 5 times.

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Views last month: 4
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: +447478732504 +447397283395 +447868547291 01708300615 01615601614
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +441554740570

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
5 reports
5 reports
Harassment calls
1 reports
Caller Name:
Cathedral Hygiene Services
6 reports
4 reports
Lettings Agent
1 reports
Phone number +441554740570 from Llanelli tagged as Telemarketer 5 times: asked to speak to my manager, claimed th... 8263 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01554740570?

  1. 1

    luke reported unknown with the number ‎01554740570 as Telemarketer

    11/9/15, 9:57 AM

    asked to speak to my manager, claimed they were from a hygiene specialist.

    Sam replied 2/2/16, 12:32 PM
    called Chethedra/cathedral Hygne, offered to give us training

  2. 1

    Jon Trigg reported number ‎01554740570 as unknown

    2/11/13, 11:15 AM

    PPI Illegal calling, cold call on weekend. Rude.

  3. 0

    lc reported Cathedral Hygiene Services with the number ‎+441554740570 as Harassment calls

    11/19/19, 1:43 PM

    Caller advised that they were a current supplier which is not true, went to check and called back to state that they are a supplier and continuously asked for the correct name as their records were outdated. Persistent nuisance caller.

  4. 0

    Cathedral Hygiene Services has been reported with number ‎01554740570 as Telemarketer

    7/8/19, 3:11 PM

    keeps calling despite being told not to

  5. 0

    Cathedral Hygiene Services has been reported with number ‎+441554740570 as Telemarketer

    10/10/18, 10:50 AM

    Sales call for hygiene services.

  6. 0

    Chris reported Cathedral Hygiene Services with the number ‎+441554740570 as Telemarketer

    8/17/18, 10:33 AM

    Caller lied straight off the bat by saying that a colleague had visited our office and picked up a compliment slip or business card. He didn't know what to say when I told him we're a distributed team with no main office for someone to have visited!

  7. 0

    jane reported number ‎01554740570 as Cathedral Hygiene Services

    3/26/18, 4:24 PM

    lady said that a rep had picked up a compliments slips from my company, which is an absolute lie as I work from home and don't have compliments slips !

  8. 0

    Tired reported number ‎+441554740570 as unknown

    2/29/16, 12:14 PM

    Silent caller

  9. 0

    Tom reported number ‎01554740570 as Lettings Agent

    2/22/16, 12:01 PM

    Asked to speak to a manager who no longer runs the office. He said he is a hygiene specialist.

  10. 0

    Fang reported number ‎01554740570 as unknown

    2/4/14, 12:13 PM


  11. Cathedral Hygiene Services has been reported with number ‎01554740570 as Telemarketer

    2/21/19, 4:03 PM

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01554 (Llanelli)
Possible ways of writing the number 01554740570
‎(01554) 740 570
‎+44 1554740570
‎(00441554) 740570
‎(+44) 1554 740 570