• This number was often allocated to 1st Credit. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to 1st Credit at the end of the page.

1st Credit from Redhill 01737235228 / +441737235228

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: 1st Credit more...
Ratings: 31
Search requests: 20766
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (3/31/20, 11:28 AM)

wrote: 1st credit debt call daily.on this number, they are yet to provide me with the original contract to ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Redhill - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01737-235228
Phone number +441737235228 from Redhill tagged as Debt collection company 15 times.

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tellows score for +441737235228

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
15 reports
Harassment calls
6 reports
5 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
Caller Name:
11 reports
1st Credit
9 reports
1st Direct
1 reports
1st Credit Debt Collections Apparently based in Re
1 reports
First Credit
1 reports
First credit (1) 1st credit (1) god knows (1) debt collection company (1)
Phone number +441737235228 from Redhill tagged as Debt collection company 15 times: Abusive company - harassment - one of th... 20766 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01737235228?

  1. 4

    Investigator Mike N W advice worker reported 1st Credit with the number ‎+441737235228 as Debt collection company

    11/8/14, 3:17 AM

    Abusive company - harassment - one of the many debt companies that abuse those who have fallen into debt and know they can get away with it!!! UK law doesn't defend poor!!! though it could be done, (client debt not always by their own cause) 1st Credit (and others) think the idea of causing distress will assist - but actually reduces clients time and spirit to get on their feet and find work etc. - When questioned by post/email, have difficulty proving debt by providing ORIGINAL CONTRACT, My Advice is (ONLY via legal or welfare advice centre DO NOT SPEAK or communicate direct) if they can not provide ORIGINAL CONTRACT proof in 28 days, cancel debt - If debt proved, offer £1 per month and pay by STANDING ORDER NOT DIRECT DEBIT as they will increase it! I am an advice worker.

    Sophie replied 2/10/16, 2:16 PM
    Hi mike, I am getting continuos calls and letters sent to my old address and even to my dads business with the wrong address on the letters from this company. They seemed to have taken on chasing an overdraft I had with lloyds tsb about 7 years ago. Could you advise what is the best way to deal with this please, as they are starting to drive me insane? Thanks Sophie

  2. 3

    Arron reported number ‎01737235228 as 1st Credit

    5/5/15, 1:26 PM

    I have no debt, yet were pestered by this number for weeks. Eventually I contacted them by email and insisted I be removed from their database, explaing that my number is on the telephone preference service. The calls stopped for a few months, but now I'm back to a daily call and voicemail. This is scandalous and stressful. I'm going to contact my MP but I'd advise everybody to report this to the ICO, here: https://www.snapsurveys.com/swh/surveylogin.asp?k=138312369469

  3. 3

    maidinsheffield reported 1st Credit with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    12/18/14, 3:11 PM

    Debt collector that uses harassment as a technique to try to recover debts that are statute barred and/or can't be proved. I usually let the answering machine deal with them and any other similar company, but on occasion I will pick up and plonk the handset near the TV or stereo and see how long it takes them to hang up :)

  4. 0

    1st Credit has been reported with number ‎+441737235228 as Debt collection company

    3/31/20, 11:28 AM

    1st credit debt call daily.on this number, they are yet to provide me with the original contract to which I owe the debt, just their own template paperwork with a figure on it, they have mobile and landline and are often very chopsy on the phone

  5. 0

    1st Credit has been reported with number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    1/25/19, 9:22 AM

    Mt son got his mobile has only been live 26 days and this number keeps calling it. Really annoying on a childs phone!

  6. 0

    Ray reported 1st Direct with the number ‎+441737235228 as Debt collection company

    3/28/17, 5:18 PM

    These cretins call me at least 8 times daily.
    I pressed 2 to speak to an agent many times just to be in a loop saying "an agent will be with you soon" finally I got through to them to someone asking for a person I do not know, I have lived at this address for 14 years and they have never lived here, I told this "Agent" this and he asked my name, address etc. to which I refused saying that I do not know you so why should I give you my name, he then got very abusive stating that I was this person, I owe £2,460 to the Provident credit (never had dealings with any Provident)
    I dont think the guy they are looking for will appreciate this comany divulging financial data to strangers on the phone.
    I just said to this "Agent" if you know it is me, you have my phone number and details in front of you, send me everything through the post or by my Email address, all of the above didn't stop them calling,
    I am 74, my line is important to me for contact by my family in emergencies I can not ignore the phone just in case it is them, but most of the time it is this company once more, surely there is something to stop them,

  7. 0

    FU !st reported 1st Credit Debt Collections Apparently based in Re with the number ‎+441737235228 as Debt collection company

    2/9/16, 12:31 PM

    My kindly suggestion is not to speak or communicate with this company, unless you wish to promote yourself as easy fodder for their apparently money making business bothering people who they have on their data base for what ever reasons correctly or NOT.

  8. 0

    Investigator No Debts Here reported unknown with the number ‎01737235228 as Harassment calls

    1/27/16, 1:16 PM

    Been getting regular calls from this First credit place for years - on my ex-directory home number, which is also registered with the the Telephone Preference Service.
    They keep leaving the same recorded message for a woman's name, who I think may have lived at this address previously - but must be at least over 15 years ago!!
    I too, have just gone onto the website for the Information Commissioner's Office - (ICO) as per Arron's comment and link above - (thanks Arron).
    They have a link on there for reporting nuisance calls and messages, which they will investigate and hopefully take action.
    The link then takes you to the complaint form, where you can report details about the calls from these annoying pests and then submit it.

  9. 0

    owesloads reported 1st Credit with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    12/8/15, 12:41 PM

    I've never repaid a debt in full in my life so I'm not going to start now!

    mr pipes replied 1/18/19, 1:29 PM
    Good Man Great Advice

  10. 0

    Guess reported unknown with the number ‎01737235228 as Cost trap

    11/10/15, 3:27 PM

    Wish I had left it to the answer machine, which I will do next time. Caller number now logged as 'horror' in memory. But soon I am to stop this number and have no phone at all - that should put an and to them.

  11. 0

    Andy Droid reported 1st Credit with the number ‎+441737235228 as Debt collection company

    10/15/15, 12:38 PM

    Does anyone know much about this company? I owe money to the bank, which i thought was being sort amicably but now it turns out 1st credit have taken over the debt! Does this mean i will get debt collectors at my door? Should i agree to pay them and not my bank in installments. Really worried now, never had a debt collection contact me and now they are ringing several times a day!

    mr pipes replied 1/18/19, 1:49 PM
    Just Ignore them , Do not respond to Any COMMUNICATION With them , They will threaten you, but it is just a method they use to Bully you. Block them on your phone

  12. 0

    superman reported unknown with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    8/18/15, 6:41 PM

    Debt collection by harassment, every... single... day. I owe the bank, not these idiots, so I haven't bothered answering this number for several years now, but the persistent calling is still relentless!

  13. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎01737235228 as Harassment calls

    5/25/15, 5:59 PM

    I am fed up with these people. I have changed my number 3 times and i am still getting these stupid robotic calls

  14. 0

    One of thier Clients reported First Credit with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    5/22/15, 5:44 PM

    Just download a Free call blocking App. and Block this Number.
    They call about 2-3 times a day!!

  15. 0

    Investigator a annoyed reported number ‎01737235228 as First credit

    5/13/15, 10:44 AM

    this number keeps on calling my mobile number stating they have a message fro a person unknown to me, very annoying they want to change their records!

  16. 0

    Deb reported unknown with the number ‎01737235228 as Harassment calls

    4/22/15, 1:20 PM

    They have been calling me for over 4 years asking for a man I have never heard of. I have spoke to several people at their so called offices and told them that I'm clearly not a man and am obvioulsy not this guy they insist on chasing and that Ive never heard of him and live in France and have had the same telephone number for the last 12 years. They assured me they would remove my number which they seem to do for about a few month, then they start with their bogus nuisance calls. It's enough to drive you mad, totally un called for harassment low level long term disruption. They are illegal bullies as far as I can make out. They phone several times a day cost me money if it goes directly to answer machine and raise my stress levels daily. It's criminal that they are allowed to operate in such a devious non sensical manner. I have threatened them with collating calls and making as case for harassment...it's that bad. Why shouldI have to invest my time and even money on some jumped up Fraudulent company who act in the most despicable manner. Scandal.

  17. 0

    Angry from Derby reported 1st Credit with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    4/17/15, 12:56 PM

    I have today insisted on speaking with a supervisor and informed them that I will treat any further calls from their number as nuisance and causing harm!

    Informed them that I will sue for harm should I ever receive a call again!

    Informed the supervisor - who informed me that they were recording the conversation - that was good as I would be relying upon that as part of my evidence should they ever call me again.

    Now too wait and see if they do remove my number

  18. 0

    saxa reported unknown with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    2/12/15, 10:10 AM

    dont answer the call to these Aholes, they are abusive and incoherent, complain to your MP so something gets done about the harassment.

  19. 0

    Binty reported 1st credit with the number ‎+441737235228 as Harassment calls

    1/22/15, 4:09 PM

    I've had this company leave many messages to 3 different women's names on my answer machine! I live in 1 bed flat...don't know where they are supposed to be hiding! Purposefully keep home phone on answer machine to avoid constant nuisance calls and mobile is on call block (except family) for the same reason! Work shifts and sick of random wrong numbers....nuisances but I win!

    Mike N W advice worker replied 2/6/15, 1:20 AM
    1st Credit are abusers... When will the government do something? TELL YOUR MP... The published figures show suicides are increasing. Contact media - local radio who will dismiss subject, BBC radio4 Money Box may look into things if enough people contact them.

  20. 0

    Investigator Kazzaroo reported number ‎+441737235228 as unknown

    11/28/14, 11:15 AM

    Answered my home phone and got an automated voice asking for Emma Aladoo (that's what it sounded like). Press 1 if they're available, press 2 if not - so I press 2. Then get press 1 if this is the no. for Emma Aladoo, press 2 if it's not - I press 2. Then get that my no. will be removed from their system within 24hours.

  21. 0

    not important reported god knows with the number ‎+441737235228 as Harassment calls

    11/20/14, 4:58 PM

    they have been calling my mobile for months now doing my nut asking for some one called joan mckay or something like that i just put them in my phone book under !!!??!! fk them don't answer !!

  22. 0

    mickey reported 1st Credit with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    10/14/14, 4:50 PM

    Keep ringing but don't know the person they ask for. They claim I am hiding them. Wont remove my number until they speak to this person to confirm that the number is not theirs. I have reported them to the relevant authority.

  23. 0

    Michael reported unknown with the number ‎+441737235228 as Harassment calls

    7/25/14, 11:18 AM

    Mark Omatushu is not my name and I have had
    this Land Line no. since November 2004.
    Automated machine, well spoken English female accent asking for above name 'hello,if you are MARK OMATUSHU' at which point I hung up immediately. Usually I ignore un recognized nos. this time I incorrectly THOUGHT I recognized, so answered. I am sure other comments are correct, debt collectors and MARK whatever name gave my no. Keep calm and don't waste any time with these A...HOLES.... Michael......

  24. 0

    Bluechip reported number ‎+441737235228 as unknown

    7/24/14, 4:45 PM

    Automated message asking for somebody that isn't me.

    Press 1 if it's you

    Press 2 if not

    D**K heads

    Don't answer

  25. 0

    nefertiti reported number ‎01737235228 as unknown

    6/20/14, 2:14 PM

    Asks for Lesley Reed. Never has been this person on this number!!!!

  26. 0

    alnon reported unknown with the number ‎+441737235228 as Debt collection company

    6/16/14, 2:42 PM

    Leaves automated voice messages asking for someone I've never heard of. Either a scam or a pitifully badly organised debt collection agency.

  27. 0

    Android reported debt collection company with the number ‎01737235228 as Debt collection company

    3/18/14, 11:35 PM

    constantly calling at least 3 times a day. based in redhill I believe

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01737 (Redhill)
Possible ways of writing the number 01737235228
‎(01737) 235 228
‎+44 1737235228
‎(00441737) 235228
‎(+44) 1737 235 228