• This number was often allocated to EE. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to EE at the end of the page.

EE from Thame 01844398604 / +441844398604

Types of call: Telemarketer
Caller Name: EE more...
Ratings: 58 (deleted: 1)
Search requests: 109131
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (11/26/20, 2:13 PM)

Dan wrote: Rang today and said they were from EE, knew how much I'd spent this much etc. Tried to sell me somet... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Thame - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01844-398604
Phone number +441844398604 from Thame tagged as Telemarketer 23 times.

Further Information: Find out
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Views last month: 2
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: +442038076214 01212853695 +447543156898 01915433406 01737462989
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +441844398604

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
23 reports
17 reports
Aggressive advertising
4 reports
Harassment calls
2 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
Survey (1)
Caller Name:
19 reports
15 reports
2 reports
EE (outsourced call centre)
1 reports
rude telemarketing
1 reports
E.E. (1) Scammer (1) EE (Outsourced) (1) ee (1) EE loyalty team (1)
kelly (1) Kirsty (1) eBay (1) Ebay (1) ebay (1)
Phone number +441844398604 from Thame tagged as Telemarketer 23 times: This is an outsourced marketing call cen... 109131 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 01844398604?

  1. 16

    Kimp reported EE (outsourced call centre) with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    2/4/14, 1:35 PM

    This is an outsourced marketing call centre call on behalf of EE. If you don't answer they will continue to call you every 5/6 hours throughout the day so today I answered. Told them I was not interested, I'm not even the contract holder. Extremely pushy, didn't listen to a word I said, kept on pushing. Would never deal with a company with such pushy sales techniques. Telemarketer was rude and completely oblivious to my initially polite and firm request to have my details removed and no more calls. I eventually had to get pretty irate and hang up myself.

    Ian replied 8/29/14, 12:18 AM
    How about listen and let people do there jobs?
    Do you ever ring 150. That's a outsource else where In the world, you don't think twice then.
    I have ordered two phones and a iPad.
    Received within a week. No details of mine given fully set up with EE. Basic data protection questions asked.
    Every company contacts someone else to do there work, it's how they keep the costs low.
    no confirm no deny replied 9/16/14, 6:06 PM
    I had the call too. My policy is to neither confirm nor deny ANYTHING to telemarketers because you never know if they're legit or not. I don't even confirm my name if I'm not expecting the call.

    Tell them nothing - don't get scammed!

    @Ian - keep going mate, you got lucky this time, maybe next time you'll get your bank cleaned out!
    John replied 10/17/14, 3:49 PM
    Thats very helpful Ian; perhaps you will post your phone number so we can all forward our nuisance calls to you !
    VERY few people like spam calls.
    Zionist Beast replied 9/2/17, 1:37 PM
    These EE parasites can mind there own business. How dare they call me .....

  2. 4

    David Smith reported unknown with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    5/28/15, 1:12 PM

    People call from this number regularly. This time I let the girl tell me the reason for the call, which she said was rewards for being a loyal customer. They knew my name and asked for my address for security reasons. Said the first line without giving the postcode, she said we have a different address. Told her I'd updated my address with ee over a month ago and said they can only see the address I sign up with. When asked why she started stuttering and stammering, trying to think on her feet and eventually came up with "I don't know." Told her I was unwilling to continue the conversation, but can she send me the offers in writin? She said they cannot do that as they aren't allowed to take down people's addresses. Instantly uninterested, always ask these people to send you something by post, you'll rarely hear from them again.

    WOW replied 3/27/18, 2:53 PM
    I HATE THIS NUMBER THEY CALLED ME IN MY KNITTING EXAM AND NOW I HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED :(((( Please beef them 4 me and sign a petition called "let janet get her bobble back for my hat xxxxx
    sue replied 8/11/20, 3:16 PM
    they keep ringing me if they do not stop i will report them to trading standards

  3. 1

    Telemarketing calls reported EE with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    12/2/19, 5:53 PM

    This is a telemarketing firm whom call on behalf of some phone networks.. HANG UP and BLOCK the number they will still continue to call you to SELL you something.. a new package etc.. THEY ARE NOT YOUR PHONE PROVIDER!!!

  4. 1

    Brian reported number ‎01844398604 as unknown

    7/16/19, 2:08 PM

    3 missed calls today. Didn't recognise the number so googled it. Saw all the comments so blocked the number....job done!

  5. 1

    Investigator Karen reported Orange with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    9/24/13, 1:01 PM

    Received a call from this number. The caller said he was from Orange and wanted to know whether I was interested in iPads or smartphones and the likes. When I told them I don't appreciate telemarketing calls, he didn't respond and when I furthermore told him that I wanted my number removed from their call list, he said he would do that but they still keep calling.

  6. 0

    Dan reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    11/26/20, 2:13 PM

    Rang today and said they were from EE, knew how much I'd spent this much etc. Tried to sell me something, got very annoyed and persistent when I said no thank you. Hung up and blocked.

  7. 0

    Dan reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    9/8/20, 11:02 AM

    3 missed calls back to back, called them, EE trying to offer me a better deal, told them I'm fine with what I've got, got pushy, told him to piss off.

  8. 0

    Elizabeth Jackson reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    8/25/20, 4:06 PM

    Was an unknown number that when I answered said they were from EE. That’s all the information I needed before I hung up, I just had a feeling it was some sort of scam, I never ever get calls from EE and I’ve had about 5 calls in 2 days. Looked up the number and ended up here, have now blocked the number

  9. 0

    Mel reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    8/18/20, 2:46 PM

    Annoying, rude, want details. Refused to give any.

  10. 0

    anon reported number ‎+441844398604 as unknown

    8/12/20, 12:31 PM

    benefits investgator posing as ee sales

  11. 0

    The number ‎01844398604 has been assigned to unknown

    2/12/20, 3:22 PM

    won't stop calling me

  12. 0

    The number ‎01844398604 has been assigned to EE

    1/17/20, 10:56 AM

    Tried to offer better data packages. Then got angry and hung up when I said I wasn't interested.

  13. 0

    Citizen reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    11/13/19, 3:23 PM

    The caller is legit, annoying but not criminal, it's just marketing BS from EE.

  14. 0

    Official EE Staff reported unknown with the number ‎+441844398604 as Cost trap

    10/29/19, 6:31 PM


    Block their number and DO NOT SHARE ANY INFORMATION with them.

    IT'S NOT EE!

  15. 0

    Chelsey reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Aggressive advertising

    10/21/19, 3:23 PM

    I've been getting calls from this number on and off for a year and two things happen I answer and total silence or they attempt to make me buy a higher priced data pack and when I state that I don't need a higher priced data pack and even if I did I would just change it directly with their app they start getting more aggressive about it. My sister also just got a call from them and I just told her to hang up if they start poking for personal details which they did, me and my sister have blocked this number besides phone telemarketing barely works anymore and is so outdated it's almost prehistoric if I were these companies I would stop telemarketing to save money

  16. 0

    Billie Hobson reported number ‎01844398604 as EE

    7/2/19, 12:40 PM

    It called me during work and I can’t listen for obvious reasons. They do not give up. I only heard it’s EE curtesy of the reviews ::((

  17. 0

    Adrian reported EE with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    6/20/19, 5:21 PM

    Constant aggressive telemarketing calls from an outsource on behalf of EE.

  18. 0

    Mike reported number ‎01844398604 as rude telemarketing

    12/18/18, 11:58 AM via Android App

    repetitive caller

  19. 0

    Anon Anon reported unknown with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    11/22/18, 1:49 PM

    Keeps on phoning. We are ex directory, and with TPS. They don't leave a message. 01844398604

  20. 0

    An EE customer reported unknown with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    2/1/18, 11:57 AM

    4 calls from this number within 1 hour this morning.

  21. 0

    さちこ reported number ‎01844398604 as unknown

    11/22/17, 6:32 PM

    keeps calling me. i answered once, and asked questions but once realised i was under 16 hung up on me. they keep calling me now and won't stop. i get about 3 calls a day from them. wouldn't recommend picking up, i keep ignoring them hoping that they think it's an unused phone.

  22. 0

    Sarah reported E.E. with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    11/16/17, 3:16 PM

    Pushy telemarketer offering a cheaper monthly top up deal. Didn't like it when I was concerned that they might not be from EE and didn't want their offer.

  23. 0

    MTB reported Scammer with the number ‎01844398604 as Harassment calls

    10/20/17, 6:12 PM

    Yup, it’s a bunch of scammers who are aggressive and not calling you to make friends...Allegedly an outsourced telemarketing company for EE, but are doing serous reputational damage to them. Definitely block the number, and if you have time, report to EE. Hopefully they will eventually ditch these anti social menaces and leave us all in peace..!

  24. 0

    Bob reported EE (Outsourced) with the number ‎01844398604 as Aggressive advertising

    8/17/17, 2:37 PM

    Pushy and rude phone sales. Won't take no for an answer. Outsourced call centre. Total menace.

    Tim B replied 8/25/17, 2:30 AM
    You could activate your phone's black list.
    Spin replied 12/8/17, 2:00 PM
    Some phones don't have a blocking system to activate

  25. 0

    alan reported number ‎01844398604 as unknown

    8/2/17, 8:37 PM

    have called many times. Phone rings twice and hangs up. Guess they expect you to call back but they can ger stuffed. Blasted nuisance

  26. 0

    Lucy reported number ‎01844398604 as ee

    7/18/17, 1:58 PM

    This number is on the EE website it's one of there partners

  27. 0

    Lulu1 reported EE with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    7/13/17, 12:55 PM

    Had over 10 missed calls, very pushy when I finally answered. Said from EE but who knows in this day and age! Blocked this number now

  28. 0

    Stripycat reported number ‎+441844398604 as unknown

    4/6/17, 3:36 PM

    Phone rang twice before I answered it by which time it was gone. If they ring again I'll block it

  29. 0

    Luke reported number ‎01844398604 as unknown

    4/4/17, 12:04 PM

    Received a call from this number today. Total silence from the caller, even after I greeted them twice.

  30. 0

    Amy reported number ‎+441844398604 as unknown

    11/28/16, 3:17 PM

    I am with ee but this number phones me then hangs up. Fed up. Also get a call from ppi. Well odd that considering I haven't signed up with anything lately......going to call ee to find out wtf it's about

  31. 0

    Investigator Annoyed reported EE loyalty team with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    4/18/15, 10:34 AM

    I have had approx 3 calls from EE and I am almost certain I will not be renewing with them when my contracts expires later in the year.

    Each call has had a similar style:

    Poor communication skills; talked at me, did not listen or answer my questions.
    Aggressive: I'm naturally quite chilled and helpful but after each of these called I have been angry and proceed to block the number.
    Misleading; saying as I was a loyal customer I was eligible for an iPad. When I tried to probe why it was very unclear why or how this would happen. I explained I was helping my friends move house (I was not lying!) and I literally couldn't talk, so I requested he directs me to a place on there website where all to info was, and if interested I would contact them. He got very shirty and said he would ring me back as this was only an over the phone offer. I said do not ring again. He's interested in has personal targets and commission. He has just tried me again on another number so I blocked that too. FYI both numbers to look out for are 01844 398604 and 01844 398609.

  32. 0

    Investigator once reported EE with the number ‎01844398604 as Survey

    10/30/14, 4:37 PM

    Got a call from slightly different number (will raise issue with that as well, but this thread with valuable info should show up in a google search for it anyway): 01844 398 606
    Claimed to be from EE and asked me for my address, I asked why you don't have it? And she said it is for security checks/reasons. I said, for the same security reasons, I can't disclose mine, and I said I will call back EE to come through a legit channel to do your survey and guess what she said, Oh yes, you can find our number on EE website, we will wait for your call. He He, can't see that number mentioned anywhere apart from these scam number lists. But got another call after a few hours, didn't pick, simply ignored!

  33. 0

    veer reported kelly with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    7/23/14, 12:17 PM

    they call oh from ebay but they are not

  34. 0

    Sandra reported number ‎+441844398604 as unknown

    6/20/14, 1:48 PM

    Keep calling me as others said very pushy have blocked this number now

  35. 0

    rotters reported unknown with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    6/19/14, 6:00 PM

    Started off saying had built up a great relationship with EE but I regularly don't pay the bills on time etc.

  36. 0

    Rufus reported number ‎+441844398604 as unknown

    6/16/14, 4:20 PM

    This number keeps ringing it is v annoying and looking at other comments from similarly affected people there seems little one can do to stop it.

  37. 0

    SausageSandy reported unknown with the number ‎01844398604 as Telemarketer

    5/21/14, 2:31 PM

    Just had a call from this number claiming to be from my mobile provider. Very aggressive manner, extremely pushy, didn't ask if I had time to speak to them. Wanted to know how many mobile phones were used in my home: tempted to say 126 to annoy him, but quite frankly its none of his business. I am the contract holder and he should have my account information o hand if he is actually working for EE or Orange!!! If these calls don't stop I shall change provider!

  38. 0

    Mitchell reported Kirsty with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    5/6/14, 1:19 PM

    Said from EE Loyalty Dept and wanted to offer me discounts as I've paid my bills on time and being a really great customer. I already get 40% friends and family discount with EE, so I'm pretty sure EE do not want to reduce my bill even further, morons. Typical pond life, scripted sales call and pretty pushy, complete amateur when it comes to skilled sales. When I questioned why is she calling me now (not even half way through my contract) she started to get rude saying "actually we ring loyal customers all the time and I get the impression that you do not want discounts or to speak to me". I confirmed she was correct and hung up.

  39. 0

    Investigator Jake reported number ‎+441844398604 as unknown

    4/15/14, 6:04 PM

    Keep getting calls from this number and a lot of withhold/private ones who I'll assume are the same, not even gonna bother answering, I simply dont give my number out so it has to be Orange/EE or something to that affect, some sort of spam

  40. 0

    ember reported eBay with the number ‎+441844398604 as Telemarketer

    2/10/14, 10:33 AM

    UK landline claiming to be eBay. Never confirmed userId, address or full name.
    Claiming to help with international sales.
    Unsure of what the scam would be but it's definitely not right

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "EE"
Often reported phone numbers with the same root number +44184439860
On tellows 3 numbers with the same base have been reported. These have received a total of 83 ratings and 271649 search requests. The average tellows score is 7. The number most likely belongs to a call center with several number extensions.
Most searched telephone numbers in 01844 (Thame)
Possible ways of writing the number 01844398604
‎(01844) 398 604
‎+44 1844398604
‎(00441844) 398604
‎(+44) 1844 398 604