• This number was often allocated to Scottish Power. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Scottish Power at the end of the page.

Scottish Power from Redditch 01527419134 / +441527419134

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: Scottish Power more...
Ratings: 61 (deleted: 2)
Search requests: 63651
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (8/21/23, 11:48 AM)

GlasgowMan wrote: I rang ScottishPower's general enquiries team number after I received a rather rude call from this n... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Redditch - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01527-419134
Phone number +441527419134 from Redditch tagged as Debt collection company 21 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

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Views last month: 16
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 07786205094 02037817119 01752968980 02033365114 01387840297
Request trend:
Search requests are very high in a particular day (presumably Callcenter) and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +441527419134

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
21 reports
15 reports
Harassment calls
10 reports
3 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
Trustworthy number (1)
Caller Name:
Scottish Power
13 reports
13 reports
NOT Scottish Power
5 reports
01527 549490
1 reports
not known
1 reports
scottist power (1) ScotPower Debt Collection (1) sp (1) SP (1) Scottish (1)
? (1) 01527419162 (1) scottish power. (1) 'Scottish Power' (1) Not known (1) Debt collection (1) "scottish power" (1) Claimingto be Scottish Power (1) Claiming to be debt collector for Scottish power (1) None (1) no idea (1) Unidentified (1) Scottish power (1)
Phone number +441527419134 from Redditch tagged as Debt collection company 21 times: The Redditch (01527) number followed by ... 63651 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 01527419134?

  1. 10

    Steve from Redditch reported NOT Scottish Power with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    8/15/15, 2:09 PM

    The Redditch (01527) number followed by 419 and three subsequent digits (e.g. 01527 419134, 01527 419162 etc.) are used by an apparently unscrupulous debt collection agency that is based in Grosvenor House in Redditch. They are NOT Scottish Power. Also, be careful...this outfit uses the "open phone-line" trick in an effort to trick you into revealing more information by further misrepresentation when you try to call SP directly on the same phone on which they called, a fraudulent method used by scammers since the phone line is not "cleared down" by the caller until the CALLER HANGS UP, i.e. you are not in charge of your telephone line again until they have hung up. Writing a letter to an SP director copied to Ofgem & Ombudsman tends to be more effective...

    rick replied 10/12/15, 1:21 PM
    well, that has solved a mystery. I have been badgered by people on this number purporting to be Scottish Power over a debt I do not have. No wonder they hadn't a clue when I asked them to refer to the volumes of correspondence I have had with SP (who I haven't used for 2 yeArs!!)

  2. 4

    juniesussoo reported number ‎01527419134 as unknown

    6/13/16, 12:10 PM

    THIS IS A SCAM.....

    Started getting calls from 01527419134 claiming to be from scottish power chasing a debt for a final payment....
    Very unusual as i'm still with them and soo....i answered some questions but when they asked for my date of birth it didn't seem right....so i said i wouldn't give it.
    Then contacted Scottish Power myself who have confirmed they would NEVER use a national phone number, that they do NOT have a centre in REDDITCH where this number says its from and it would be an 0800 if anything but mainly they would do it by email or letter if there was any problem with an account.

    taffy replied 12/20/16, 3:27 PM
    Get this call daily,clever scam, beware!

  3. 1

    Steve reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    1/25/19, 6:57 PM

    Checked this with the 0800 Scottish Power call centre number. They confirmed it was their payments dept. which presumably chases payments.

  4. 1

    Silverfox reported number ‎+441527419134 as Unidentified

    1/7/16, 4:15 PM

    This number called yesterday; no message. Called again today; bored sounding female gabbled some almost incomprehensible message during which I heard request to call back. I don't think so! Thanks to others for their comments. Will now block caller's number.

    Yellow52 replied 1/11/16, 3:54 PM
    I've just had to deal with this too! Endless texts and calls about a debt I obviously don't have, because I am not a Scottish Power customer. Bored lady yelling from a crowded bus left me a voicemail too. I have reported them to Scottish Power now and blocked the number.
    steffy_dee replied 5/22/16, 5:17 PM
    Thank you for this, been trying to work out what this bloody woman was saying on my answerphone for the last 3 days. Thanks for the heads up.

  5. 0

    GlasgowMan reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    8/21/23, 11:48 AM

    I rang ScottishPower's general enquiries team number after I received a rather rude call from this number saying I owed ScottishPower money. I confirmed with the enquiries team that this payment was legit and then made payment.
    I returned to this site when the number rang a few days later demanding the same payment. I confirmed once again with general enquires that this payment had been made. They said to ignore future calls.
    Number isn't a scam but it certainly does feel like one. If in doubt ring the contact number on ScottishPower's website.

  6. 0

    Not being fooled reported number ‎01527419134 as NOT Scottish Power

    4/13/23, 4:05 PM

    Had these call me 3 or 4 times but from 01527419014 only knew my first name, said from Scottish Power, I am a customer but have no debt. The indian lady asked me for my full name and address to which I replied "you should have that in front of you" She said I had to pass security and I responded "I'm not prepared to give any personal information over the phone" we can't speak then, ok you called me, goodbye.
    I then contacted SP via chat on my computer, they told me not them, block number.

    Already had.... becareful scammers for sure

  7. 0

    geoff reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Harassment calls

    1/25/23, 4:10 PM

    Constantly calling and texting claiming to be scottish power. I dont have an account with scottish power so clearly a scam.

  8. 0

    daisy reported NOT Scottish Power with the number ‎+441527419134 as Harassment calls

    5/26/21, 3:06 PM

    AVOID - SCAM!!! Say they from Scottish Power and i owe them money which is a lie - AVOID & REPORT!!!

  9. 0

    The number ‎01527419134 has been assigned to NOT Scottish Power

    9/15/20, 10:24 AM

    South African call centre who couldn’t confirm if they were Scottish power as I hadn’t answered my security questions

  10. 0

    Keith Chegwin reported NOT Scottish Power with the number ‎+441527419134 as Aggressive advertising

    12/7/19, 2:25 PM

    By jove its a knockout!

  11. 0

    LOU reported number ‎01527419134 as unknown

    2/15/19, 1:27 PM


  12. 0

    Tom reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Harassment calls

    12/28/18, 11:58 AM

    Claiming to be Scotttish Power, after I thought it sounded dodgy I asked him to give me my email address and he wouldn’t/couldn’t and wanted all my details, interestingly I did owe SP money but not late, question is, how do they get the number......

  13. 0

    jando reported no idea with the number ‎01527419134 as Telemarketer

    12/12/17, 2:57 PM

    NOT SCOTTISH POWER. !!!! Indian call centre . I have never been with Scottish Power and just had new house phone installed with a new number 2 weeks ago so how they got hold of my number is beyond me as only 3 folk have it . Do not answer this call !!!!

  14. 0

    STAINLESS reported number ‎01527419134 as None

    11/17/17, 2:17 PM

    Several calls from Scottish Power (non answered) but texts claim I owe SP money. Very strange since I have never been with them.

  15. 0

    Claqire reported unknown with the number ‎01527419134 as Harassment calls

    8/22/17, 3:59 PM

    I keep getting multiple calls each day from this number. Usually these are silent calls, but I answered today (since it was the 3rd time they'd called me today) and it was a lady with an Indian accent claiming to be from Scottish Power. They asked for someone who doesn't live at this address and never has. I've asked to be removed from the system as I said it's obviously a mistake. I don't have faith that they will though as I suspect it's a scam.

  16. 0

    Anders reported unknown with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    6/22/17, 11:35 AM

    Called numerous times about a debt that doesn't exist.. i phoned Scottish power themselves who confirmed this is a scam and advised me to report it to the police and block the number. worrying thing is, the amount they claimed I owe was the exact amount of my last gas bill (that was paid on time 3 months ago!), So they've obviously gotten some information from SP somehow.

  17. 0

    Jade reported number ‎+441527419134 as Claiming to be debt collector for Scottish power

    6/13/17, 2:26 PM

    Do not give away any details!

    They have just called me and left a voice mail claiming to be a debt collection company with an account regarding Scottish power. He gave me a number to call back and a ref code.

    As I'm writing down these details it occurs to me...I've never had an account with Scottish power and have always ALWAYS been in credit with my providers. So I called the number out of curiosity, he asked for my name, which I gave (he had already quoted my full name on the voice mail) and then asked me for my address. At which point I replied, "I'm sorry I'm not willing to give out that information as I'm suspicious that you are fraudulent" to which point he told me, "I'm sorry I can't discuss this without you passing the security questions" and he hung up before he had even finished his sentence.

    Moral of the story: it's fraudulent don't answer it. If you do have an account with Scottish power call them direct to discuss and report the phone call.

  18. 0

    JacsB reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    5/30/17, 4:18 PM

    Absolute joke, been calling me 5/6 times a day with no voicemail, finally ring back and discover its Scottish Power....haven't spoken to anyone but I have zero debt with them (had a big hassle a few months ago with them refunding me then requesting it back plus some but all paid off) Number blocked!

  19. 0

    Annoyed reported Claimingto be Scottish Power with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    4/3/17, 10:46 AM

    I am in dispute with Scottish Power over the final bill, which includes charges for the 3 month period after I moved out (despite me notifying them on the date of the move).

    After numerous phone calls to SP, I have been promised that the matter is under investigation and that there is a hold on the account. However, today I receive an unsolicited call from this number claiming to be SP and asking for account info up front. I refused to carry on the call and rang SP directly who were unclear who this agency are.

    Utterly disgusted with SP who are effectively trying to bully me into paying money against a bill which is completely inaccurate.

    z33capt13n17 replied 4/25/17, 9:49 AM
    I have exactly the same thing.

    Fighting with Npower and SP because one of them got my damn gas meter's serial no wrong. Now I have these fucks ringing me three times a day trying to collect on the debt even though the account is frozen...
    Hayley replied 5/25/17, 3:03 PM
    Exact thing is happening with me. They've billed me for the mo th after I moved out and are saying I owe £70 electric and £64 gas even though I moved out and told them and even though the gas was a pretty payment meter...

  20. 0

    aj11 reported "scottish power" with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    2/13/17, 2:45 PM

    Called up and told me they were Scottish Power! they are not, they are a debt collectors. I even asked if he is an employee of scottish power and he confirmed he was! I had an outstanding bill which i have already set up a payment plan direct with the supplier which of course they knew nothing about and he refused to discuss it further with me until i give all my personal details and contact details. Told him to stop lying and refer back to Scottish Power. i will report them to trading standards

    cmr replied 11/29/17, 8:36 PM
    I have a similar problem, just escalated it to OFGEM. Scottish Power have emailed me claiming that this number is Scottish Power, I think they are lying and would love to prove them wrong.

  21. 0

    Richard reported Debt collection with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    12/22/16, 2:22 PM

    Called claiming to be Scottish Power. I stupidly went through the security questions (address and DOB) as I am in process of leaving Scottish Power. He then said I had a balance to pay on the account and would I like to pay by card. I had suspicions though and said I would do it online - he asked why, at which point I was really suspicious and called up Scottish Power who didn't know the number, and said my account was in credit. Reported to http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-fraud-about-you

  22. 0

    Scottish Pathetic reported number ‎01527419134 as Not known

    12/21/16, 12:27 PM

    This number has called me several times. I answered yesterday, no one spoke and the call cut off, so I am guessing this firm is using automated dialling - i.e. they are calling many numbers at once automatically which I thought had been banned. I received a bill from Scottish Power exactly 3 days ago and this number has called me seven times in 3 days - i.e. they started called the day the payment was due under the bill. I have never owed SP a penny - inherited them as a supplier and bill always paid on time. This has decided me to move to another supplier.

  23. 0

    john reported number ‎+441527419134 as scottish power.

    12/12/16, 1:51 PM

    calling my mobile all the time.
    scottish power.
    there asking for a name.i say what are you after.they say are you.///// i say what are you after.some one from poland ? i say you er not scottish power.click the phone.i can block this number.what its all about is when you mover to anouther provider.cost arecurre .the dedt is providede if your a key and card payer.if there is a det outstanding its sold at the end of the year.do not ansser to any letters.theys detters will had more money to the det.call your provider.scottish power tell you if there is any det it will be past over.its not past over its sold to the highest bidder.
    all gas elect/ providers are selling the det.i have told scottish power if you do not sort this det out i will find another provider.i pay by card.i ow no money to any one.the problem occurs if you keep swapping providers.do not give any thing away.chaing your phone number.with your mobile provider.remeber no one that provids you with gas are buyers that sell it to you.a card will buy gas or elect looking for the cheepst one some time it can corres problems. so the det can be bought.if the providers do not get paid you can buy gas/elect.but as i say if your swapping over for the cheapest one all the time and you're not using the card provided your last provider will not tell the other provider about any payment you made to them.so if you do move to a cheaper provider do what it says and read the document provided to you.

  24. 0

    phil reported Scottish Power with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    11/17/16, 3:18 PM

    Answered the phone today after days of no stop ringing. They said they are from Scottish Power, I rang Scottish Power and they told me nobody would ring like they have. Don't know how they have got my phone number. They are actually ringing from South Africa but they said they are based in uk.
    SCAM,SCAM,SCAM. Block number

  25. 0

    Brighton reported unknown with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    11/14/16, 6:11 PM

    Called me repeatedly - no message ever left

  26. 0

    Not-havin-that reported 'Scottish Power' with the number ‎+441527419134 as Harassment calls

    10/20/16, 3:48 PM

    The caller has been calling me frequently. Today I answered. He told me he was from'Scottish Power'. He explained they were recording the call for training purposes, as you so often hear these days. He then asked me for my address for security reasons. I stopped him there. I explained to him that because HE has called ME, and that I am not making any enquiry I will not provide personal information to a stranger on the phone. He suggested I call him, but I have no reason to so I refused. He asked again that I call them and I explained that if they need me to call, then they can write a letter to me and ask me in writing. (I suspected it was telesales. I can not be sure though). He complained that writing a request to phone them was a very formal way of doing things. I explained to him that I am well within my legal rights to request that, and if it is of great importance, they will write to me. The complaint of formality suggests to me this was telesales, but I really don't know. What I would suggest is that if a company is calling you, then they shouldn't be asking YOU for personal information for clarification, and they most certainly wouldn't complain that you ask them to put things in writing.

  27. 0

    Bobby reported 01527 549490 with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    10/20/16, 9:16 AM

    They called and said I have unpaid import duties with FedEx. When I said that I have never received an email from FedEx asking for any duties to be paid he replied that they sent the invoice by mail several times. I have not received anything like that. He wanted me to give him my card details to pay the debt. I asked him to send me an invoice in the email instead. I have not received anything. Definitely scam. But they knew about the package I received from Norway and that it was jewellery. I don't know where did they get that info.

  28. 0

    lizzi reported 01527419162 with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    9/21/16, 10:17 AM

    I send Promissory Notes or Acceptance for Value to discharge my energy i use. As SP are currently not accepting these forms of payment they 'sell' the fictitious debt on. As we're bonded at birth to be a surety for the countries debt and didn't tell our parents we are Roman Slaves. Great Britain was put under the Vatican in 1213 ~ Treaty of Rome. Unless you have proved your alive every 7 years (Form 206 ~ Evidence of Life or Affidavit) you are Dead in Law and the govt is the beneficiary of your trust. See A4V Facebook.

  29. 0

    Investigator Glimmer reported ? with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    9/13/16, 2:36 PM

    +1 (527) 406-370 These guys are obviously stepping up their dodgyness as I recieved a missed call from this number saying it was from the states. But after listening to the voicemail they left I found it was this company who gave a call back number or 01527 419 162 regarding Scottish power. Very fishy sounding to me and glad I read these posts before thinking of calling back!

  30. 0

    NickSund reported Scottish with the number ‎01527419134 as Harassment calls

    8/19/16, 6:51 PM

    From Debit collectors working for Scottish Power (SP). I have ongoing dispute with SP and been assured that the account is on hold by Senior Manager Paul Whitby. I have written several times to Sir Tom Farmer Non Executive Director several times and my MP is involved. Looks like I will be seeing them in Court!

  31. 0

    juniesussoo reported number ‎+441527419134 as unknown

    6/13/16, 12:13 PM

    THIS IS A SCAM.....

    Started getting calls from 01527419134 claiming to be from scottish power chasing a debt for a final payment....
    Very unusual as i'm still with them and soo....i answered some questions but when they asked for my date of birth it didn't seem right....so i said i wouldn't give it.
    Then contacted Scottish Power myself who have confirmed they would NEVER use a national phone number, that they do NOT have a centre in REDDITCH where this number says its from and it would be an 0800 if anything but mainly they would do it by email or letter if there was any problem with an account.

  32. 0

    TallBristol reported SP with the number ‎+441527419134 as Debt collection company

    5/26/16, 4:13 PM

    Chasing me for a debt even though my account is up to date. Have had endless troubles with Scottish Power....

  33. 0

    Lee1 reported unknown with the number ‎+441527419134 as Harassment calls

    1/19/16, 3:03 PM

    This number has been calling me since the beginning of January 2016 and sending me text messages asking me to pay my final bill. My account was closed in Jan 15 and paid up to date in March 15. I called SP in December as I had received an email saying it was going to debt collection. I called them to be told my account was closed and at a nil balance, I was promised I would not be further hassled. I then received a text and numerous missed calls from this number claiming to be SP looking for me to confirm my details. I called SP on 0800 number and was passed from person to person on a 47 min call to be told again my account was closed and no money was outstanding. I was told to ignore these calls in future. Today I have received 2 calls again and when I called them back they told me the address did not match what they had on the system. Funny as the account number was matched to the address I was living at and gave them. They also stated that as I didn't want to continue the call then they could not access my details until I had passed the data protection check. I emailed SP today with a complaint and they have confirmed in writing I have a nil balance. I have blocked the number however they advised they would not stop calling me. Harassment I would call it. I will be reporting the number to TS. Fuming is an understatement.

  34. 0

    beew reported unknown with the number ‎01527419134 as Harassment calls

    12/3/15, 3:53 PM

    This is from Scottish Power or someone acting on their behalf, as they had my electric account number. We moved house but despite giving final metre reading they insisted on sending an estimated bill. I contacted them once again to give them the final reading over the phone. We received an estimated bill on the 25th Nov, so I just paid it via chq in the bank on the 30th Nov, as it was fairly near the real amount. Since then daily phone calls from 01527419134. No one at the other end. Only on one occasion did they leave a message, and it was an Indian gentleman who spoke so quickly I couldn't understand who he was phoning on behalf. I ignored several calls, but actually picked up the phone today and got to talk to someone. They were telling me that I needed to pay the final bill. I said I had on the 30th, he said he'd put it down as owing, I said as far as I was concerned I had paid, he said he needed to put it down like that, otherwise it would go to debt collection department. Scottish Power are a nightmare to deal with.

  35. 0

    MightyCross reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    10/23/15, 12:21 PM

    Claimed to be Scottish Power and asked me to identify myself but the number had shown up as a missed call to my mobile...I was in the process of checking the number & had just discovered that the number was that of TELLOWS - a debt collection company acting for Scottish Power, so on being asked the question was this Tellows - the caller answered "yes". I stopped the caller and asked if the call was being recorded - answer given "yes" then told the caller I would not identify any details. Told the caller THAT SCOTTISH POWER OWE ME MONEY - perhaps they'd like to inform SP before I approach a debt recovery company to get my money back but

  36. 0

    Langtoft reported Scottish Power with the number ‎+441527419134 as Harassment calls

    7/26/15, 4:48 PM

    I have a dispute with SP going back over 12M. They are demanding payment of over £1000 despite the fact they owe me money !
    Their latest tactic is to employ these people who are currently calling every day.

  37. 0

    emma reported sp with the number ‎+441527419134 as Harassment calls

    3/13/15, 6:38 PM

    Never had an account with sp. Don't even know how they got my phone number yet they're constantly calling and asking I pay a debt of over £1000 for an address i have never even hear of. Told them they have wrong number yet still get phone calls up to 6 times a day.

  38. 0

    chantell reported number ‎+441527419134 as unknown

    3/10/15, 6:02 PM

    Called me today demanding that I answer security questions before he told me why he was calling. Simply told him if he wasnt going to tell me anything then I wasnt answering any of his questions. He still proceeded on being rude when I asked to talk to his manager he got more irate that I wasnt 'listening' to him. Complete arse of a man!

  39. 0

    Investigator mssociallyinept reported ScotPower Debt Collection with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    3/5/15, 4:17 PM

    This is Scottish Power's Debt Collection Dept. Don't waste your time answering or returning calls to them though! Left them 2 months ago, received final bill, paid via direct banking which the bank have confirmed but still being hounded. Best to write off to them in writing with an actual paper bank statement if you're having issues like this as all their e-contacts seem to be incompetent chimps too!

  40. 0

    JJJ reported Scottish Power with the number ‎01527419134 as Debt collection company

    1/26/15, 12:16 PM

    Assumed from Scottish Power - I don't answer unknown numbers.
    I am currently going through a complaints process after closing my account with SP 9 months ago and receiving a final bill only earlier this month. While the ongoing complaint is being investigated I have been receiving final demand emails and now a call from 01527 419134. I have contacted SP and they have reapplied the locks on my account. Hopefully this will stop further calls. Seems legit (hence a 4 rating) although SP internal communication seems abysmal.

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Scottish Power"
Most searched telephone numbers in 01527 (Redditch)
Possible ways of writing the number 01527419134
‎(01527) 419 134
‎+44 1527419134
‎(00441527) 419134
‎(+44) 1527 419 134