• This number was often allocated to Domestic & General (Scam). Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Domestic & General (Scam) at the end of the page.

Domestic & General (Scam) from London 02037872898 / +442037872898

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Domestic & General (Scam) more...
Ratings: 14
Search requests: 16735
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (7/25/23, 6:22 PM)

Artee wrote: I answered my phone and the caller just hung up. Any caller like this I automatically block as I do... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: London - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 020-37872898
Phone number +442037872898 from London tagged as Harassment calls 6 times.

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Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 08009524842 07359 01235625971 +622130073311 02033456768
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

Calls from Domestic and General (Possibly Spoofed) with the number +442037872898 - Expert Analysis

Reports from tellows users suggest, the phone number 02037872898 is associated with Domestic and General, a warranty specialist company. The typical reason for receiving a call from this number is related to the renewal of warranties for electric appliances. However, some users have experienced a high frequency of calls, where there was no response or silence upon answering. It is important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the call, especially if you are a customer of Domestic and General. If the call seems suspicious or you do not use their services, it is advisable to refrain from responding.
Christian Anton
Christian Anton
Consumer protection and telecommunications expert

tellows score for +442037872898

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
6 reports
Harassment calls
6 reports
1 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
Caller Name:
Domestic & General (Scam)
9 reports
4 reports
1 reports
Phone number +442037872898 from London tagged as Harassment calls 6 times: I answered my phone and the caller just ... 16735 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

Click map to enlarge

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Who calls with 02037872898?

  1. 0

    Artee reported number ‎02037872898 as unknown

    7/25/23, 6:22 PM

    I answered my phone and the caller just hung up.
    Any caller like this I automatically block as I don't trust companies like this.

  2. 0

    Doug reported number ‎02037872898 as Domestic & General (Scam)

    7/3/23, 4:44 PM

    Good script but tried telling me I had a washing machine from 2017 that the insurance had run out

  3. 0

    Defender bajan52 reported number ‎+442037872898 as unknown

    6/26/23, 3:04 PM via Android App

    unknown number- rings off after 3 rings

  4. 0

    Domestic & General (Scam) has been reported with number ‎02037872898 as Telemarketer

    6/23/23, 2:18 PM

    Domestic and General, I used to have warranty cover with them for electrical appliance in kitchen. I can cancelled a year ago as it was a waste of money. Call my mob so I have now blocked, so they called my work

  5. 0

    TTWatcher reported Sky with the number ‎02037872898 as Harassment calls

    6/21/23, 11:39 AM

    Pretending to be Sky. It isnt Sky, it isnt Legal and General its a scam, scammy scam scam.

    If you want extra insurance, if you want a Sky upgrade call the company direct from a number you find yourself. If you want you bank account emptied, give them your bank details... Oh and ignore the 1 in a hundred reviews stating "Honest its all ok" as that will be the scammers lol

  6. 0

    Julie reported number ‎02037872898 as unknown

    6/8/23, 7:15 PM

    I do have D and G insurance and have just had an appliance repaired. However this number has phoned me many times since. If there was a valid reason to contact me, surely they would have emailed or left a message.

  7. 0

    The number ‎+442037872898 has been assigned to Domestic & General (Scam)

    6/1/23, 5:09 PM

    Total Scam

  8. 0

    Investigator Nial H. reported Domestic & General (Scam) with the number ‎+442037872898 as Aggressive advertising

    6/1/23, 3:22 PM

    Probably an insurance policy sales pitch. I have insurance with D&G, but never contact them by phone. So it may be a scam

  9. 0

    Jessica N reported Domestic & General (Scam) with the number ‎02037872898 as Harassment calls

    5/23/23, 4:26 PM

    I didn't recognise their number. No idea who this caller is. Who are they?

  10. 0

    Wends B reported Domestic & General (Scam) with the number ‎+442037872898 as Harassment calls

    5/23/23, 11:55 AM

    Caller said they were insurers, and asked me to confirm my details, and then hung up.

  11. 0

    Gene F reported Domestic & General (Scam) with the number ‎02037872898 as Harassment calls

    5/20/23, 12:49 PM

    I am not sure if I should call back. Others say that it's not actually D&G UK.

  12. The number ‎+442037872898 has been assigned to unknown

    6/29/23, 1:15 PM

  13. Domestic & General (Scam) has been reported with number ‎+442037872898 as Harassment calls

    6/21/23, 11:22 AM

  14. Domestic & General (Scam) has been reported with number ‎02037872898 as Harassment calls

    6/2/23, 5:00 PM

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Domestic & General (Scam)"
Most searched telephone numbers in 020 (London)
Possible ways of writing the number 02037872898
‎(020) 378 72898
‎+44 2037872898
‎(004420) 37872898
‎(+44) 20 378 72898